Dear community,
The election for TDF’s membership committee starts next Tuesday, and the nomination phase has ended - see Announcing the election for the next TDF Membership Committee for the exact timeline.
You soon can find the list of candidates, plus their short candidacy statement, at The Document Foundation 2024 Membership Committee Election Candidates
For each candidate’s self-nomination email, see the following list of links to the forum. Those emails are a bit longer-form, and also an ideal starting point to ask the candidate questions!
This list is sorted by submission date.
Gustavo Buzzatti Pacheco: Self nomination for Membership Committee (Gustavo Buzzatti Pacheco)
Pranam Kumarbhai Lashkari: Membership Committee self-nomination: Pranam Lashkari
Jona Azizaj: Commitment to our Community - MC candidacy Jona Azizaj
Stéphane Guillou: Commitment to our Community – Membership Committee candidacy: Stéphane Guillou
Paolo Dongilli: Commitment to our Community – Membership Committee candidacy: Paolo Dongilli
Marco Marinello: Commitment to our Community - Membership Committee candidacy: Marco Marinello
Andreas Mantke: Commitment to our Community - MC candidacy Andreas Mantke
Balázs Varga: Commitment to our Community – Membership Committee candidacy: Balázs Varga
Cor Nouws: Self nomination as candidate for the MC
Leif-Jöran Olsson: Self-nomination as electorate for the next TDF Membership Committee
Shinji Enoki: Self nomination for Membership Committee : Shinji Enoki
If you have sent your candidacy statement and your name is not listed, please do reach out to as soon as possible!
Likewise, if you spot a mistake in your candidacy statement or your affiliation, please reach out as soon as possible to the same e-mail address so it can be corrected before the elections.
Also don’t forget we have townhall sessions with the candidates scheduled today and tomorrow. You can find all the details at MC elections: Townhall sessions with the candidates
On behalf of the Board of Directors,
Eliane Domingos