Self nomination for Membership Committee : Shinji Enoki

Dear members & Board of Directors of The Document Foundation,

I’m Shinji Enoki. I live in Settsu, Osaka pref, Japan. As a freelance, I also work on a support business for LibreOffice.

I started in 2008, era. I was the QA Coordinator for the Japanese Project. And I joined in the found of the LibreOffice Japanese team.

My main activity is community organizing for LibreOffice Japanese community and event organizing in Japan. I have been doing a few translation and QA, answers to questions in Ask tasks as well. I am also a bit active in several other open source and open data communities.

I served as Membership Committee Deputy for four years from 2020. The Membership Committee is an important part of TDF’s operation and I would like to be part of it next MC as well.

I supported a board election interview event and MC feedback meetup for the Japanese community. I also organized Jonathan and Japanese community meetup.

I have not yet been able to contribute to increasing the number of members in Japan and Asia, but with the return of face-to-face meetings such as the Asia Conference, the opportunities to do so have increased. Next year, the Asia Conference will be held in Japan, and I would like to take advantage of these opportunities to increase communication.

And Through the activities of the MC, I would like to play a role in connecting the global community and local communities, mainly in Asia. As a frequent join of Japanese and Asian Open Source events, I have many opportunities to meet LibreOffice contributors, other Open Source project contributors, and new contributors. For me, it’s relatively easy to contact them.

Full name: Shinji Enoki
Email address:
Corporate affiliation: None

I and iCraft Corp. are working together to develop a LibreOffice support business in Japan. And iCraft and Collabora Productivity are business partners. I and iCraft are on an equal footing and are not unilaterally bound by decision making. And I always make decisions that prioritize community interests.

I will provide information on all future changes as soon as possible.

75 words candidacy statements:
I would like to increase the number of TDF members in non-European, especially Asian area and strengthen our communication with these contributors. Also I would like to get their feedback through meetups and continental conferences, and work on strengthening the relationship between the global and local communities.

Best regards,

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