Membership Committee self-nomination: Pranam Lashkari

Respected members & Board of Directors of The Document Foundation,

I would like to file my candidacy for the upcoming election of the Membership Committee. If I get elected I will fulfill all the duties faithfully with dedication and without any kind of bias.

Full Name: Pranam Kumarbhai Lashkari
Email Address:
Affiliation: Collabora

75 words statement:
I love FLOSS and can gladly say that every line of code I have written in my career is open source. I have been contributing to LibreOffice as a developer for the last five years and am now ready to take on additional responsibilities by serving on the Membership Committee. My experience in similar roles with other organizations has equipped me to build connections with other FLOSS communities and assist new members in getting involved.

I will provide information on all future changes regarding the aforementioned details as soon as possible.

Thank you,
Pranam Lashkari