Dear TDF members and Board of Directors,
I here announce my candidacy in the upcoming elections for the Membership Committee (MC).
I have during the last ten years spent time on getting closer to LibreOffice and the people in the community to be able to intensify the promotion of Document Liberation and LibreOffice at various events. I contribute to translation and promotion on social media (mastodon and peertube) as well.
Full Name: Leif-Jöran Olsson
Email Address:
Affiliation: Research engineer at Språkbanken Text, University of Gothenburg; runs independent Free software consultancy Fri programvaru-syndikatet
My 75 words candidacy statement:
Through my involvement in different free software projects and grass-root organisations as well as my work as a Language Technologist I want to contribute my experiences and time within the MC to make the community-driven and collaborative aspects more attractive and stronger in relation to our core values. Especially focusing on transparency and accessibility, identifying blank spots of our outreach and onboarding of new members.