MC elections: Townhall sessions with the candidates

Dear community,
Dear members,

as discussed before, we would like to run townhall sessions with the candidates for this year’s membership committee election and invite all the community. We will plan with three different sessions to accommodate for three different time zones.

The sessions will take place on our Jitsi instance at

The first session, for the BRT timezone, will be
Monday, August 26, 2100 BRT
Which is Tuesday, August 27, 0900 JST, 0000 UTC, 0200 CEST
Time zone converter: Time Zone Converter – Time Difference Calculator

The second session, for the CEST timezone, will be Tuesday, August 27, 2100 CEST, 1600 BRT, 1900 UTC
Which is Wednesday, August 28, 0400 JST
Time zone converter: Time Zone Converter – Time Difference Calculator

The third session, for the JST timezone, will be Wednesday, August 28, 2100 JST, 0900 BRT, 1200 UTC, 1400 CEST
Time zone converter: Time Zone Converter – Time Difference Calculator

Some notes:

  • Please note that for two of the meetings, depending on the timezone they take place at different days.

  • We plan with two hours duration for each session.

  • Sessions are not mandatory to participate in the elections. They are an offer for candidates and community members.

  • Everyone is invited to all the sessions, independent of the timezone.

  • We welcome translators from the communities, so questions can be asked in different languages.

  • We will try to record the sessions. By participating to the sessions you agree that you will be recorded with audio, video and chat. If you do not want that, you can participate anonymously and listen-only.

  • Please mute yourself while you are not speaking.

We invite everyone to send in their questions for the townhall sessions in advance to the public board-discuss forum at Board Discuss - The Document Foundation Community

Each session will have a moderator which chooses some of the questions to be asked during the townhall meetings. Candidates are also free to answer questions on board-discuss before or after the sessions.

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