Update on the 2024 budget


with this message, I’d like to give a quick budget update.

As you might be aware, the previous board has voted on the 2023 budget on December 31, 2023. [1] The current board has agreed [2] to work under the assumption that this budget draft is applied until a different motion has been formed.

The work on the budget has seen some delays, but individual requests [3] [4] have been approved. One of those related to an in-person meeting for the team (and eventually also for the board as a joint meeting). During this meeting we had the opportunity to talk about several budget items, and I’ve just shared my close-to-final draft with the board last week.

The breakdown is comparable to previous budgets, and a few project ideas have been added for evaluation, amongst these are:

  • Research and development of collaborative editing features based on open standards
  • Improvement of localizations and translations for worldwide involvement of volunteers
  • Kind of Season of Docs through Outreachy, including Writer templates
  • Integrating Hetzner cloud to Jenkins
  • Graphic design work for great visuals for website, socials, blog posts and marketing
  • Bug Bounty Program

It’s not a given all of these ideas will make it into the final budget, but we’re currently assessing cost and feasability and timeline.

Regina also just made a proposal on ODF 1.4 [5] which Sophie is following-up on.

Several projects have been dissolved in the last budget decision, but amongst those still in the 2024 budget proposal are:

  • 2-4% budget to FLOSS software as devprojects or support
  • Update & translate LibreLogo manual, complete LibreLogo unit test
  • 10% project budget for members ideas
  • Hardware for members
  • Bugzilla release funding

We’ll have final budget shortly and keep you posted.


[1] [DECISION] - Approve 2023 annual budget and reserves
[2] Motion Concerning Budget 2024
[3] [DECISION] Support "Ada & Zangemann" animated movie with 3.600 €
[4] [VOTE] 16k € budget for in-person team meeting in Munich in June
[5] Tenders for preparing LibreOffice for ODF 1.4

In motion [2], which you’ve linked to, the BoD resolved that:

The board commits to a draft of the budget by the end of April

Thorsten mentioned a “2024er budget draft” - has this actually been published? Can you link to it? Is that what you mean when you write “this budget draft is applied”?

Otherwise, I don’t understand this update.

An initial version of the 2024 budget draft was shared here: Budget 2024 draft

We used the December 31 budget as a draft for 2024, which is the one that is applied until a different motion has been formed.