Problems noted in the PDF provided on the Docs page of the website and in NextCloud. Apologies if these have already been discussed somewhere in a thread that I have missed seeing.
Some chapters have a black line under the Subtitle paragraph on their title page (whether there is text on that line or not). Other chapters have a green line under that paragraph. Some chapters have no line; I think that is the way it is defined in the template. Of note: when I generated a new PDF from the ODT, the chapters with or without lines were sometimes different. I could not work out what might be causing these differences, so I suspect a bug.
Page 200 in the PDF (in the Impress chapter) is blank except for a line at the top and the copyright page footer at the bottom. This page does not appear in the ODT downloaded from NextCloud, or in the PDF I generated. However, in the PDF I generated, blank copyright pages appear in Chapters 5 and 10. Again, probably a bug.
In the published PDF, there is a bad page break after the short paragraph at the top of page 289. This page break does not occur in the ODT or the PDF I generated. I have no idea what might have caused that one! Another bug?
In Appendix B, several pages have blank paragraphs that cause incorrect formatting, including at the top of page 383 and various places on pages 383-385. These have been there for several iterations and are not due to a bug.
I plan to produce the print edition without these formatting problems, by removing the hidden sections containing the copyright and ToC pages from the chapter files. That will also remove the Copyright ToC entry for each chapter in the full book’s ToC, which has been reported as a bug.