Some formatting problems in GS 24.8 Guide

Problems noted in the PDF provided on the Docs page of the website and in NextCloud. Apologies if these have already been discussed somewhere in a thread that I have missed seeing.

Some chapters have a black line under the Subtitle paragraph on their title page (whether there is text on that line or not). Other chapters have a green line under that paragraph. Some chapters have no line; I think that is the way it is defined in the template. Of note: when I generated a new PDF from the ODT, the chapters with or without lines were sometimes different. I could not work out what might be causing these differences, so I suspect a bug.

Page 200 in the PDF (in the Impress chapter) is blank except for a line at the top and the copyright page footer at the bottom. This page does not appear in the ODT downloaded from NextCloud, or in the PDF I generated. However, in the PDF I generated, blank copyright pages appear in Chapters 5 and 10. Again, probably a bug.

In the published PDF, there is a bad page break after the short paragraph at the top of page 289. This page break does not occur in the ODT or the PDF I generated. I have no idea what might have caused that one! Another bug?

In Appendix B, several pages have blank paragraphs that cause incorrect formatting, including at the top of page 383 and various places on pages 383-385. These have been there for several iterations and are not due to a bug.

I plan to produce the print edition without these formatting problems, by removing the hidden sections containing the copyright and ToC pages from the chapter files. That will also remove the Copyright ToC entry for each chapter in the full book’s ToC, which has been reported as a bug.

I have found a few more problems.

Page 195, under Fontwork, the first list item has H3 style, should be Numbering 1. The following list items (3-6) need to then be 2-5.

Page 302, in Base chapter, list items with Numbering 2 style are d), e) but should be a), b).

Page 432, in Macros chapter, list under Recording starts with 18), should be 1).

Hello Jean

I cannot help you on this one at the moment. I did not create the GS Impress chapter to LO 248. I will have a look at my copies of the original LO24 files to see if there are any problems.

I was about to start a check on LO242 Impress Guide to upgrade to LO248. The problems in Appendix B will be fixed at the same time.


Peter Schofield
Technical Writer, LO Documentation Team

I think several problems are caused by a bug related to the index when there are hidden sections (posibles extra lines). I think it’s possible that they can be resolved by using version to export.

Other issues can be caused by strange behavior in numbered legend sections.( I don’t know if there will be another bug)

Hello Jean

I have done a quick of my copies of the Impress 242 PDF files and have found no problems.
I have also uploaded the PDF files into the PDF folder for Impress 242.

I will now upgrade the files the LO 248.


Peter Schofield
Technical Writer, LO Documentation Team

I’m going to try to layout the guide, although I know that it is a job that @ohallot has done, so I can check if the problem is with the template. I hope to have the work completed by the end of the day.

Hi, @jeanweber and @ohallot

I have finalized the layout of the Getting started guide. It took me a little longer than I thought.
Although it is already published on Lulu. I inform you of the work I have done and upload the final PDF to Nexcloud with the same name but with my initials at the end. [ NOW FILE DELETED ]

  • In case you want to review it and decide to use it as a starting point for the next update, I have the chapters and Master Document ready to upload them where you say.

  • The document contains 520 pages including the back cover, the currently published one has 531.
  • The content of the text is the same. I have only modified some formats and removed some old custom styles
  • Adjust position or size of some images to avoid white spaces.
  • In quite a few cases, I have made retouches on the images to remove unnecessary empty spaces, with an external program. The image has the same elements as before but the height of the image is reduced.
  • In other cases (a few) the image was cropped with Writer and this is not recommended, I have cropped it with an external program
  • I have placed the numbered Legends outside the frames, removed sections and formatted into tables below figure


  • Corrected several paragraphs with Definition Term style had the Strong Emphasis character style applied

Chapters 1 and 2

  • I don’t remember the changes made because I started reflecting the changes from chapter 3

Chapter 3

  • After headings 2 there were quite a few heading 4 with Strong Emphasis character style, I changed them to Heading 3 (following the heading hierarchy) and removed the character style
  • I have changed the Heading 4 style of the “method 1, 2” etc. to Definition Term
  • Adjustments of some images

Chapter 4

  • Except for a change in the numbered legend, the file had a perfect format.

Chapter 5

  • I change the location of many images to better match the text
  • Adjustment of some images
  • Correction of some numbered lists
  • Change numbered legend sections for tables

Chapter 6

  • Changed the location of many images to better match the text
  • Adjustment of some images
  • I change sections of numbered legends for tables

Chapter 7

  • Changed the location of many images to better match the text
  • Adjustment of some images
  • Change numbered legend sections for tables
  • Corrected many erroneous cross references

Chapter 8

  • I changed the location of some images to better match the text
  • Adjustment of some images
  • Fixed some missing cross references
  • Body text style change (with Strong Emphasis character style) of “Step 1, 2” etc. by Definition Term
  • Correction of some numbered lists
  • Renamed the section copyright to the correct name: SEC_COPYRIGHT

Chapter 9

  • Renamed the section copyright to the correct name: SEC_COPYRIGHT
  • Deleted the first cross-reference to figure 7 in “Formulas as separate documents or files” (the image did not correspond to the text and there is no related image).
  • I changed the location of some images to better match the text
  • Adjustment of some images

Chapter 10

  • I changed the location of some images to better match the text
  • Changed sections of file formats to tables and their paragraph style to List 1
  • Image adjustment

Chapter 11

  • I changed the location of some images to better match the text
  • Adjustment of many images (crops with Writer)

Chapter 12

  • No modifications. Chapter, perfect

Chapter 13

  • Changed a single site image, otherwise perfect

Chapter 14

  • Same as 12, perfect

Chapter 15

  • Same as the previous ones, perfect

Hello @bantoniof

At this point I’ll not review once more the 500-pages book, so for me it is OK to replace all files with yours.

You are a valuable expert community member.

I trust you.


Let me know where I upload the files, if I overwrite existing ones, create a new folder etc…

or we wait for more opinions.

Please backup the current files in your computer and then upload your revision.

Location is

LibreOffice Documentation/English/Getting Started Guide/248/Published/


All new documents uploads and backup a copy of old documents in my computer
and deleted the pdf with my initals

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