README for first time reviewers

source: Review Update - WIP - IG7500-Preface-PS-01.odt


  • creation of NextCloud account, for more info about that follow the steps mentioned in this link
  • install suitable version of LibreOffice application on your desktop / laptop [link]

Could you please use the following suggestions so that review go smoothly.

  • Please enter your details in LibreOffice User Data. Need to label any comments you make. available under LibreOffice → “Tools” → “Options” → “User Data”
  • Append your initials to the file name for each chapter.
  • Make sure that Track Changes is turned on. Go to “Edit> Track Changes > Record” and “Edit > Track Changes > Show” in the Menu bar.
  • Add your name to the table “Contributors for this edition” on the chapter front page.
  • Keep the status report spreadsheet up to date.

request admins to make this topic sticky, include additional info as needed


You must already have a NextCloud account otherwise you would not be able to access the control spreadsheet for the Impress Guide, nor send emails through Document Foundation Community.

The suggestions I gave you are all in LibreOffice.

To check a chapter I suggest you download the latest version of LibreOffice from the download page at The latest version is 7.5.3. However I am using 7.5.2 for macOS to create the chapters because I keep getting little problems with LO 7.5.3. However, LO 7.5.3 works OK on my Ubuntu and Windows laptops.


Peter Schofield
Technical Writer, LO Documentation Team

more info on review:

the link mentioned in the previous post is old and has been partially migrated to Documentation Contributor's Guide - The Document Foundation Wiki

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