[previous DECISION in meeting] Publish Android Viewer on PlayStore again


as one of its tasks, the current board is looking into decisions and meeting minutes taken in the past that were not yet published according to our statutes.

What follows is a decision taken by the previous board, during the meeting at 2023-10-30, which is now made public. Missing meeting minutes will be added at a later time.

In the meeting:
Board Members - Thorsten, Paolo, Cor, Gabor, Emiliano (from 17:27 UTC on)
Board Deputy Members - Gabriel


  1. Vote, Discuss: Publish Android Viewer on PlayStore again (Florian
    Effenberger, Thorsten Behrens, 10 mins)

    Version 7.6 has been published on F-Droid since a while, with good

    Discuss Motion, possibly vote:

    • with the release of LibreOffice 7.6.3 end of November
    • publish the Android Viewer again on the Google PlayStore
    • instruct Florian to work with Italo, Michael and Cloph to prepare
      the release, and its announcement
  • negative comments (Thorsten)

  • Michael doing updates

  • publish via F-Droid

  • shared community effort

  • vote is called (Thorsten)

  • approved


Hi @floeff ,

is there a way to somehow better preserve content & formatting for those decisions? If they should serve as a public archive, that would be great to avoid ambiguities (case at hand: indentation of the last 6 bullet points - the email that was sent actually preserved them, so perhaps re-flowing raw content via pandoc might help?).

The meeting item itself was a public one, judging from the invitation letter, so perhaps there’s people who can still remember what was discussed (the above terse minutes I believe mangle the meaning quite badly - I was certainly in favour of having the app re-published, discussed this with @michaelweghorn beforehand & lifted the item on the agenda - and didn’t have negative comments).

Best, Thorsten

Those are my (private, not authoritative and original, i.e. unedited) notes I took back then:

2) Android Viewer

  • might want to some press work around that

  • thorsten: quality is really good

  • is shared community effort, should be shared with community

  • not 7.6.0 right away, but once it has matured a bit

  • same like for the other app store versions: not with X.Y.0, but like with Apple Store and MS Store: ~.3 or whatever it is

  • vote: when 7.6.3 becomes available, release Android version in Google Play as well

    • pending ESC approval
    • approval: Paolo, Thorsten, Gabor, Gabriel

→ approved

I can confirm that. When I think of “negative comments” in the context of the Android Viewer discussion, I think that most likely refers to negative review comments (and ratings) in Google Play that the older version had there, which was why it was removed years ago (and why there was some emphasis that this shouldn’t happen again, but no explicit concerns raised from anybody, as far as I can remember).

Unfortunately, Discourse is a bit of a pain for copy-pasting existing minutes and decisions in the format they were taken, as it always require manual editing. @mikesaunders do you remember how to fix the indent to be reflected properly in Discourse? I think you did this already in the past. :slight_smile:

We have the same issue with the wiki, by the way, and the pre-tag doesn’t look too nice.

However, that would not fix the ambiguity here I guess. But indeed, my memory is also that “negative comments” was what we saw in the app store regarding the software, and what was mentioned by several people including you - it was not negative comments by you indeed.