LO Getting Started Guide 7.5

Hello Olivier

My solution to images moving is to reduce the height/width ratio of the image. Normally height reduction by 0.5cm is enough.

The other solution is for the chapter authors to make sure there is a reasonable space below an image when inserting an image at the bottom of a page.


Peter Schofield
Technical Writer, LO Documentation Team

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Image slipping is often caused by a paragraph or figure caption gaining an extra line because a figure number is longer (more digits) when in the full book. Fixing those requires changes in the chapter files. I often revise the words in a paragraph to make the extra digits fit, and make the frame around an image + caption wider.

Sometimes that isn’t the problem, and I don’t know what causes the problem. In those cases I reduce the height of a figure or crop it.


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Hello Jean

I know of that problem of figure numbers. It occurs more often in the later chapters of a manual. Best to always check when creating a manual as you add chapters.


Peter Schofield
Technical Writer, LO Documentation Team

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Hi @PeeWee , @jeanweber

I think I found one of the possible issues, which appears in the image below. You see an extra space above the heading (heading 1) and it becomes clear on the 3rd heading on the bottom. This extra space may be to blame partially for the image (and text) slip. The master document is on the left, the chapter is on the right.

So I unchecked “Add paragraph and table spacing at bottom of table cells” (LO Writer Compatibility option) in both files and the headings are now aligned. The conclusion so far is that these settings must be the same for MD and chapter.

At least, if an image creates a void in the previous page, it can be fixed in the chapter.


Hi Robert (@RobertG )

Base is not an easy tool for any beginner.

The design of a database involves quite knowledge of the subject, data modelling, relations, and more - prior of creating a single table.

As much as the comments in ask,libreoffice.org are harsh, the chapter covers all major features of the software.

I’m publishing Base chapter GS7508 with only a small note on the list box, as pointed in the ask website, but rewriting the whole chapter is questionable, and improvements are welcome.


Hi All

I have uploaded the GS75 Getting Started 7.5 to the Published folder (chapters, master document, main PDF and ODT) for inspection and late corrections.

I’ll advertise the new guide next week.


@ohallot I will take a look at the PDF today and let you know if I find something.
EDIT: I am finding errors. I will make a list.

Getting Started Guide 7.5 formatting errors
Pages 38-39, Notes at bottom on p38 has spilled over to p39. This is probably because the bullet point at the top of p38 was previously on page 37, but it was pushed to p38 when the caption for Figure 12 became two lines, not one.
This has also caused the topic at the bottom of p39 (Printer setup) to have its lead-in sentence at the bottom of the pag, with the list on the next page. At minimum, that lead-in sentence should be “keep with next” so it and the heading go to page 40, which has enough space for them to fit.
In Chapters beginning with 2, the odd-numbered pages have the wrong info in the footer. It should show the Chapter name; instead, it shows the first heading in the chapter. In some chapters this is relevant info (“What is Writer?”, “What is Calc” etc), but in many chapters it is “Introduction”.
Page 328, at the bottom of the page is “Step 2: Select the sorting order”. This should be moved to the next page (use “keep with next para”).
Page 332, at the bottom of the page is “Step 6: Create the query to calculate the fuel economy”. If you fix the problem on p328, this should take care of itself, but check that Step 5, just above, doesn’t end up at the bottom of the page.
Page 338, same problem: a Step is separated from its list at bottom of page.
Page 351, list starts with 4) and number 5) is not inline with the other numbers. Large gap above the Note (probably a blank paragraph).
Page 363, number 1) in top list is out of line. Number 2) in bottom list is out of line.
Page 364, number 1) is out of line.
Page 365, number 2) is out of line in top list. Number 1) in bottom list is out of line.
Page 366, number 2) is out of line.
Page 368, number 1) is out of line.
Page 398, numbers 1) through 5) in middle list are out of line.
Page 500, list starts with 4).

@ohallot Another BIG problem in the compiled book PDF: the ToC does not show the first H1 in the Preface or in any chapter. The Chapter Numbering is not set up correctly.
I’ve now checked on the footer problem. It is caused by the Paragraph Style definition for First Heading not having its Outline Level set correctly on the Outline & List tab. It is showing “Text Body” but it should be “Level 2” to correspond with the level for Heading 1 in a book. I have made these changes in a copy of the file and they have fixed both problems.

HI @jeanweber

[quote=“jeanweber, post:48, topic:7163, full:true”]

P38:Figure 12 caption did not fixed the issue, I swapped the heading2 up to below Printing H1. The Note landed in the next page.
P39. Done, although this is a DF fix

I’m chasing a possible bug or glitch in some files to fix that.

It may be interesting to define in the template a paragraph + numbered list specific for describing steps in a complex or very extensive procedure. For example “ListStep” or “StepList” … with the necessary text flow, indent and character attributes are set ("Step NN: ").




Once I fix the footer bug, I’ll update the files, including the ToC issue you pointed in the subsequent post.

UPDATE: All files uploaded and ready for publication


The book TOC is fixed because I created a ToC based on styles and not the outline (styles “Title” (lvl 1) and “Heading 1” + “First Heading” as lvl 2).

But the PDF ToC on the PDF reader is based on the outline. The outline does not allow 2 styles for the same level and PDF ignores “First Heading” and picks “Heading 1” of the outline. When changing back to “Heading 1” with page break before as DF, the PDF ToC is correct.


Hello Olivier

Is there a method to make the figure frame to automatically adjust its width as the caption becomes too long creating another line?.
One solution is manual. That is going through the finished user guide and adjusting figure frame width manually where there is a two line caption. I do this check when I create a user guide.

Peter Schofield
Technical Writer, LO Documentation Team

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HI @PeeWee !

I’m looking for the same at my spare time… It is rather boring to manually adjust frame size.

I admit I have not yet a good picture in my mind with the size relationship between the image and the frame. If we set a rule for that it will easy the automation (macro) of the couple frame+image.

I’m talking about the relationship as below:




All chapters and the complete user for LibreOffice Draw 7.5 have been updated.
The chapters and Draw User Guide 7.5 are now available in the Published and PDF folders on NextCloud.

Now to start updating to 7.6 the Impress and Draw User guides.


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@PeeWee In the full Draw Guide 7.5 PDF, Chapter 2 has blank pages on the right-hand side. Probably an incorrect page style; I haven’t checked the ODT.

Hello Jean

Will check and fix


Peter Schofield
Technical Writer, LO Documentation Team

Hello Jean

PDF file and ODT file Draw Guide 7.5 has been fixed. The page styles were incorrect and have been changed.


@ohallot Print edition is now available on Lulu.

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