Hello and sorry again for my bad english.
I am a collaborator of the Spanish documentation team, and reviewing the translation of chapter 6 of the Writer guide 7.3 I have found a title that I think needs to be replaced.
In the title “Vertical footers or headers on landscape pages” the frame is anchored to a paragraph on the page and therefore needs to be copied to every horizontal page. The explanation is old and hasn’t been updated since version 3.3: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/images/0/0d/0204WG3-FormattingPages.pdf
As of version 6 or earlier (perhaps 4.3), Writer allows you to anchor frames to headers and footers and it might be worth explaining this more useful and advanced method, where you create a page style with the vertical header and footer page layouts included.
I have redacted this title and translated it into English so that it can be reviewed and changed if appropriate in version 7.4 of the English guide. Who can I send the document to? Or where do I upload it?