Writer Guide 7.5 updates needed

I’m starting a post / thread for noting updates needed for Writer Guide 7.5, many of which are not in the Release Notes. (Some are things that were overlooked in WG7.3; others are changes that occurred in 7.4 or 7.5.) Some of these are relevant to the Getting Started Guide and possibly other guides as well. Please feel free to add anything you know about or discover.

Also note: WG contains many references to chapters in GS, some of which have changed number and/or title. These must all be verified and amended if necessary. EDIT: Remove all references to GS chapters (numbers and titles) and just refer to GS.

Feedback and Note on Copyright page need to be updated from “mailing list” to “forum” info, if not already done.

On the Frame and Image properties dialogs (and possibly some others), the Type tab is now named Position and Size (this is from LO7.4). On the Image dialog, the Image tab is now named Rotation. Many screenshots will need replacing and instructions updated.

Manage Changes deck in Sidebar is no longer experimental (LO7.4).

Selection mode in Status bar works a bit differently now: the icon changes to indicate the mode, and a click provides the list of choices from which to choose.

Outline folding is no longer experimental (LO7.4).
Outline tracking is new in LO 7.4s.
Language Tool connection (LO 7.4) – see release notes.
Additional features in track changes – see release notes. Some cause additional action icons to appear in the Manage Changes dialog.
Additional icon (“No List”) on Bullets and Numbering toolbar.
Some tooltips on Frame toolbar have changed.

Form menu on Menu bar shows a new item in 7.4: Content Controls, with a submenu. Need a new pic and some description in the text (Chapter 18).

Start Center has a filter field and “clear docs” controls at the top; need a new screenshot and some mention (Chapter 1).

The Background tab in several dialogs (including Paragraph Style, Table Properties, TOC Index Biblio, etc) has changed “Bitmap” to “Image” - screenshots and some text need to be changed.

Hello Jean

When cross referring to something in another user guide, you should only cross refer to the user guide and not specific chapters. This also applies when cross referring within a user guide. You only cross refer to the chapter and not to individual sections within that chapter.

Using the above rules is the safest way of cross referring and eliminates the need to update cross references when updates and changes made to user guides.


Peter Schofield
Technical Writer, LO Documentation Team

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Good point. I will amend my list. --Jean

Some suggestions for Chapter 8 (WG7508-IntroStyles) are uploaded in the Work in Progress folder 7.5.
I tried to address the comment of Peter Schofield here, regarding the cross referring. As I see, it’s about GS Chapters, but since he wrote that also applies when cross referring within a user guide, I tried to propose an option also for a change within the WG. You might decide to rejected if you think it’s not a good idea.
There’s also some screenshot updates.
Any feedback is more then welcome, so I can do things better for the next document.


I am still going through your edits to that chapter, but so far I am very glad that you found so many screenshot updates that both Kees and I failed to notice. I hope you will have time to look at some other chapters. I did many of them very quickly and not paying enough attention. Very bad of me. Very glad to have others noticing things.

However, you have slightly misunderstood Peter’s x-ref instructions. They should be:

  • If the x-ref is to a different book, give only the name of the book.
  • If the x-ref is to a different chapter in the same book, give the chapter number and chapter name but do not mention the name of the book…
  • If the x-ref is to a section in the same chapter, use a field to link to the title of the section and optionally a field for the page number.


I also want to publicly thank Kees for finding and fixing so many little errors that I made in so many chapters. I have been doing a very poor job on the details. This book will be much better with the help from Kees and Tsveti.

Thanks Jean,
I thought I probably misunderstood something,but I assumed there might be things or changes to be done that I don’t know about, so it would make more sense. I hope dealing with it won’t loose you too much time.
I’m going very slow, but I do plan to look at some more chapters.


I have seen that they are working on the Writer 5.0 guide. Good job!
I’ve been looking at the title “Example: A book sequence pages” in chapter 8 of the Writer guide and I think there are inconsistencies in the steps to follow.
I have uploaded an odt file as I think it should be this title:
Please review it. (It’s only the title of the example)
Regards (and sorry my english)
B. Antonio Fernandez

This comment relates to Chapter 8 Introduction to Styles, Using the context (right-click) menu

All but one of the commonly used character styles are so trivial they have only one direct formatting attribute. This makes it confusing when trying to understand the difference between character styles and direct formatting a character. The style inspector needed to understand the difference is not introduced until the end of the next chapter.

Emphasis character style on a: