Writer Guide 7.4 Status

Starting a thread for status reports from people working on the Writer Guide for L07.4. Today I am uploading some updated chapters to the Work in Progress folder for the book, ready for others to review. I am also working on several more chapters and will upload them soon.

While I was working on a different book this year, I made notes in several chapters of changes in the program and unclear instructions. I’m now going through those notes and updating the chapters. I have updated the status spreadsheet to show which files I am working on.

I plan to work my way through all of the chapters, but if someone wants to update one before I get to it, I encourage you to do so.


Is it worth skipping to v7.5?

Yes, I think so. I will finish the 7.4 updates I’ve been working on and then skip the other chapters and start updating all to 7.5. – Jean