After having switched to the WG 25.2, I have regrettably come to realize that I haven’t come across one single page cross-referencing that is correct textwise. Clicking the incorrect page numbers in the pdf-version, does, however, move focus to the correct page. Some examples:
P. 245 last para: Refers to page 261, should be 246.
P. 279 first para refers to page 306, should be 291
P. 285 second para -"- , -"-
P. 279 fourth para refers to page 296, should be 281
P. 298 para beneath bullets refers to page 334, should be 317
P. 301 first para under figure refers to page 329, should be 312
As one can see, there is no consistent type of error, so I have myself no clue what’s happened here.
EDIT But the error seems to be about 15 pages, which happens to be about the number of pages before Chapter 1 starts. Can this have something to do with that the consolidated (master) document treats the sub-documents differently from 24.8, as is visible if one look at how the Sections structure displays?