Words of thanks for Stéphane Guillou, who leaves QA analyst role


it comes with great sadness to announce that Stéphane Guillou, TDF’s QA Analyst, has informed us that he will leave the team of The Document Foundation, effective August 1st. For those who do not know, Stéphane has returned to Australia with his family at the beginning of this year, and recently took an opportunity to work again at The University of Queensland, moving on to the next chapter of his life on that continent – which I share here with his permission.

Even if he will have a non-LibreOffice related dayjob, Stéphane will stay active in the community as a volunteer.

I would like to thank you, Stéphane, for your great work and your amazing and countless contributions. You clearly made a difference, and it was my pleasure to get to know you and work with you as colleague at TDF. Your friendly, calm and gentle character always cheered up our work days, and it was fantastic to have you in the team.

I wish you all the best for your future, and even if you now live at the other end of the world, I do hope that our paths will cross again soon! You’ll always be welcome at our conferences and meetings!


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Stephane has been so impressive in complementing Ilmari and others’ QA work! And always attentive and insightful in reading my many bug reports…

I hope you don’t disappear completely off of Bugzilla.

Ahv foun in 'stralia, moy mait!

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To join the mourning choir: I will miss your well elaborated comments on Bugzilla. It was always a pleasure to see the expertise in your response to user input and the kind positivity in phrasing the answers.

All the best,

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Dear Stéphane,

Thank you very much for your dedication and professionalism during your time with us.

I wish you all the best on your new journey.



Gracias, Stéphane! Suerte en todo lo que viene!

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