URGENT: Hackfest Gran Canaria -- April, 24-25 2014 -- be a participant!

Hi all,

as already noted during the ESC call, we will have a LibreOffice Hackfest in
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria on April, 25-26. As usual, I created a wikipage for
the event:


The location is actually quite easily reachable from all of europe.

Given the location and how late we are for announcing this, a few things are
slightly different this time:
- please note your interest on the wiki page ASAP as it is approaching quickly
- please do NOT yet share the information about the Hackfest outside of
  LibreOffice project mailing lists until Tuesday -- this is to allow our most
  active project contributors to apply for travel funding first
- On Tuesday this can be shared on social media and blogs to a wider public
- there are travel bursaries as usual, but for accomodation, hackers are asked
  to share rooms, if possible (2 hackers in one room with separate beds)

So: Be quick, mark your name on the wiki to secure travel bursaries!

Best and see you on Gran Canaria!


whops, correction: April, 24-25 (Thursday and Friday) -- the email subject and
wiki page are correct.



(Thanks tml for the quick hint)

Hi Björn,

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria on April, 25-26.

whops, correction: April, 24-25 (Thursday and Friday) -- the email subject and
wiki page are correct.

If you need a banner as the elder ones: