unplanned infra maintenance downtime


due to a failed hard disk in one of our boxes, we need to arrange a replacement.

The RAID array affected does not cover main services, and two independent backups are in place, but a short downtime for the actual swapping cannot be avoided. From what I can tell, this also affects Gerrit which is on respective box. Website, wiki and mailing lists are not affected.

Cloph will follow-up with details, timeline and affected services soon.

Sorry for the inconveniences,


due to a failed hard disk in one of our boxes, we need to arrange a

The RAID array affected does not cover main services, and two
independent backups are in place, but a short downtime for the actual
swapping cannot be avoided. From what I can tell, this also affects
Gerrit which is on respective box. Website, wiki and mailing lists are
not affected.

Cloph will follow-up with details, timeline and affected services soon.

the disks can be hot-swapped, so *NO* downtime should occur. We will do this within the next minutes and keep you posted.
