Trustee question to MC

Dear membership committee members,

I do hope your travel to and from FOSDEM has been safely completed and that you are well. I know I find the whole event exhausting!

In case you do not follow threads here in your community forum, I am raising this request to top level to make it easier to find. About a month ago, I asked questions in a previous thread as follows:

I note that the only requirements for membership are to “have dedicated more than three months of verifiable time and intellectual work to the foundation’s goals” and then “submitted an application” and “indicated his intention to participate actively … for at least half a year.”

Someone who is already a Trustee demonstrably meets the first requirement, as it was validated by a previous MC, so the only ground I can see to fail to renew an existing member are the absence of an application or the failure to indicate the intention to participate.

I also note that revocation of membership is a seperate activity according to the Statutes , not part of the induction process. The statutes state in § 10(2):

“After a hearing, the Membership Committee will also decide on expulsion due to conduct in violation of the Articles, or upon request of the Board of Directors or a Board of Trustees member.”

From § 10 it seems clear:

  1. The process of inducting a Trustee depends only on the factors in § 10(1) and there is no power granted to the MC to withhold membership on other grounds, and
  2. The process of exclusion is a seperate process, must be preceded by a hearing and the only grounds for exclusion are “conduct in violation of the Articles” (that is, the Statutes).

I am thus asking the MC to clarify and document that they have in fact followed these rules in all the cases in question in the original thread,

I value your volunteer contribution to TDF and thank you for your service. I would be grateful if you would answer my question please. Many thanks!

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Just to leave this comment here (and by way of that, perhaps bumping the topic a bit on the forum pages) - it is a bit surprising, that a Membership Committee, whose majority ran on a platform of openness, transparency & community care - has not interacted with this topic from a trustee in a month’s time. :confused: