time for next board call


the next scheduled board call would be Easter Monday, March 28, which is a public holiday and a "long weekend" in many countries.

Some might not be available for the board call (including myself, as I have plans with the family and filed two vacation days), but we should not skip the call entirely.

How's the board's availability? I can prepare my things and e-mail them in advance, and at least try to join via phone (though no guarantees). If more people aren't available, looking at the previous poll, an alternate date and time could be

  Thursday, March 31, 1800 Berlin time
  (Note that daylight savings kick in around that week)

Would that work for everyone? If it's more complicated, I setup a poll... :wink:


the next scheduled board call would be Easter Monday, March 28, which is
a public holiday and a "long weekend" in many countries.


How's the board's availability ?

  Pretty terrible from the previous poll =) Can we not move this one week
in either direction - slipping the cadence from two-weekly to weekly or
having a three-week gap ?




the next scheduled board call would be Easter Monday, March 28, which is
a public holiday and a "long weekend" in many countries.


If more people aren't available, looking at the previous poll, an
alternate date and time could be

     Thursday, March 31, 1800 Berlin time
     (Note that daylight savings kick in around that week)

Michael proposed to shift by one week in one or the other direction, and I haven't heard any other feedback.

Today doesn't work for a couple of reasons, so let's shift the call

  from Monday, March 28, 1700 Berlin time
  to Monday, April 4, 1700 Berlin time

The next regular call afterwards is then just one week later
  Monday, April 11, 1700 Berlin time

Note that daylight savings kick in around this time.
