I’ve just come back from a French community event called “camp chatons” which is a non-profit community of alternative hosting providers. The aim is to provide an alternative to monopolistic cloud providers. There are free software suite prescriber to a large audience of non profit societies, or low profit, from the social and solidarity economy.
During the three days I heard that :
- LibreOffice is ugly
- Collabora is slow and uses too much memory
- OnlyOffice is better for beginners.
(of course, progress has been made but it needs to be known).
One of the speakers made a comparison between free software users and firefighters.
If we were firemen with a big fire, we’d start making a code of conduct before putting the fire out.
I think that the “market” for free office products is on fire and that we are using a lot of energy to discuss something that is not a high priority. Code of conduct should be a background process.
Give us back the foundation we love, with imagination, action and kindness…