The SanityCheck.oxt extension for Guides

Hello Team

@bantoniof wrote a set o macros for Guides format sanity checking. It has been packed as an extension for Writer and master documents.

The checking is based on the 24.x chapter template and follows the rules and styles set there. It will not work on documents other than our Guides.

The extension can be downloaded from this link.

The user guide for the extension can be accessed on this link

Many thanks to @bantoniof for this wonderful tool that spares hours for manual reformatting. I have used it extensively on the current Getting Started Guide 24.8 I am revising.


Last version is 1.0.6
I 'm updating the documentation

SanityCheck Documentation is now updated.
You will find it in the same link

Hello Olivier

Some info please on Fields.

I can insert a field in Draw and Impress, but now I cannot edit the inserted fields.

Also, I cannot insert a custom field in Draw and Impress.

Has there been changes in LibreOffice that have not been placed in the release notes?


Peter Schofield
Technical Writer, LO Documentation Team

Hello Peter
I tested back to 7.5 and I confirm.

There is no UI to insert custom fields and no way to edit an inserted field (restricted to a few and basic metadata, there is no way to insert the fields available in the Description tab of the Properties, aka Dublin Core.

If that is not a regression, it deserves an enhancement ticket.


Thanks for the info Olivier.

Is it worth raising a bug report for the enhancement?


Peter Schofield
Technical Writer, LO Documentation Team

Hi Peter
It is already a very old request:


Hello Olivier

ALL chapters and the Draw User Guide for LO 24.2 are now in the Published and PDF folders on Nextloud ready for publishing.

I shall now update the Impress and Draw chapters in the Getting Started Guide.


Peter Schofield
Technical Writer, LO Documentation Team

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HI Peter

I have added the book to the documentation website and the bookshelf.

Thank you for your great work.
