TDF Infra Call Minutes / Upcoming Admin Meeting 10.4.


please find attached the minutes from the last Infra Call:

- Restructuring of the internal salt states:
  salt 'target*' state.apply statename saltenv=develop
- Ordered new infra machines from Thomas Krenn
  Plan on shipping next week
- Infra Meeting in Munich
   Planned: 10 April., will check date with Cafe Netzwerk -> Not possible from Cafe Netzwerk, Florian proposed to meet at our Office in Kaufbeuren
- Gerrit upgrade
  New setup on Debian 8 base
  Migration planned for first March week
- Infra budget proposals → proposals 'til March 2nd
- Next call: 16 March, 1800 UTC

So we will meet at our office on 10 April, please add yourself to the participants list at and add points you want to work on to the agenda.
