TDF Budget as of 2012-12-12
This is a non-binding draft. ConCardis is subject to conversion rates and fees.
Empty fields declare either no spending, or amount already booked.
For SPI, incl. AB fees, see
Bank account 93.695,68 ¤
Credit card account 311,69 ¤
PayPal 369,20 ¤
Flattr 0,00 ¤
ConCardis (not taken into account)
Outgoing one-time fees
LibOCon videos -1.600,00 ¤
Private BoD decision -1.350,00 ¤
Outgoing recurring fees,
extrapolated to the rest of the year
Servers and bandwith -750,50 ¤
Mail forwarding service -178,50 ¤
ConCardis fees -73,50 ¤
SIP line -50,70 ¤
Tax advisory (est.) -1.500,00 ¤
Authority fees -150,00 ¤
Authority fees reserve -621,47 ¤
INCOMING TOTAL 94.376,57 ¤
OUTGOING TOTAL -6.274,67 ¤
TOTAL BALANCE 88.101,90 ¤
SAFETY RESERVE -15.000,00 ¤
BUDGET 73.101,90 ¤