TDF Budget 2021


find below a summary of the budget that the Board of Directors approved via e-mail on 2021-03-18. It is now made public in accordance with our statutes.

The Board of Directors at the time of voting consists of 7 seat holders (not including deputies). In order to be quorate, the vote needs to have 1/2 or more of the Board of Directors members, which gives 4.

A total of 6 Board of Directors members have participated in the vote.
The vote is quorate.

A quorum could be reached with a simple majority of 4 votes.

Result of vote: 6 approvals, 0 abstain, 0 disapprovals.
One deputy is in favor.
Decision: The proposal has been accepted.

Recurring: 828.615,15 €

  Salaries and compensations 647.787,78 €
  Accounting and legal advice 31.827,37 €
  Running cost & discretionary spending 15.000,00 €
  Trainings 5.000,00 €
  Infrastructure 59.000,00 €
  LibOCon & FOSDEM 30.000,00 €
  Community projects 20.000,00 €
  Marketing budget 20.000,00 €

Pending projects (as of January 1): 267.016,26 €

  Various tenders 232.016,26 €
   Streamline tendering process
   ODF 1.3 delta tender
   Xray-built-in debugger
   Text layout
   Automated ODF filter regression testing
   Cleanup & further improve ODF conformance
   MC Dashboard/Weblate-Bitergia

  COSM release pipeline setup & ongoing ODF 1.4 work 20.000,00 €
  Campus programme for student ambassadors 12.000,00 €
  Scholarship program 3.000,00 €

New projects: 425.500,00 €

  Various tenders 398.500,00 €
   Rolling Release: Finish MAR-based autoupdater
   Accessibility: Implement scrollto, scrolltopoint, scrollsubstringto, scrollsubstringtopoint
   C++ accessibility tests
   MC request: Improvements on the Membership Committee tooling
   Master document fixes
   Improve the accessibility checker for PDF/UA
   Support for Editing and Creation of SmartArt
   Convert Impress slideshow to drawinglayer primitives
   Writer tables: support cell margins (next to cell padding)

  2-4% budget to FLOSS software as devprojects or support 20.000,00 €
  MC request: TDF welcome kit for the members 2.000,00 €
  statutory auditor/chartered accountant 5.000,00 €


Recurring: 828.615,15 €

Salaries and compensations 647.787,78 €

seemed the board increases the expenses for staff etc. for round about
50 % within one year.




Recurring: 828.615,15 €

Salaries and compensations 647.787,78 €

seemed the board increases the expenses for staff etc. for round about
50 % within one year.

and you could compare that with the planed budget for community
projects, which get no increase and stayed at 20000 € (for the whole
world wide community).

If you look into the publicly available ledger on the TDF wiki, you'll
see an increase of the expenses for TDF staff from:

2015 - 276.084,38 €


2021 (planed) - 647.787,78 €

More than twice of the expenses after only 6 years.

There should be a notable boost in the outcome in several areas of TDF's
activities, which justify such an increase of the expenses, payed from
donation money.


Hello Andreas,

seemed the board increases the expenses for staff etc. for round about
50 % within one year.

and you could compare that with the planed budget for community
projects, which get no increase and stayed at 20000 € (for the whole
world wide community).

We are in a pandemic.

The budget is based on the local communities which send out budget wishes.

As most conferences and thus the booths are not taking place very likely in 2021 (or already canceled), many communities didn't send any or at least a very small budget wish. This is totally ok for the moment. Same goes for the travel expenses which is naturally not taking place at the moment.

For example, the German community did only send a minimum wish. There are no meetings in 2021 at the Linux Hotel in Essen nor meetings in Hamburg or Berlin nor any real life conference (Rhein Ruhr, et all are all canceled, postponed or virtualized). You know the situation very well in German and Europe. How should the German community request money and especially for what?


Best regards,


Hi Dennis,

Hello Andreas,

seemed the board increases the expenses for staff etc. for round about
50 % within one year.

and you could compare that with the planed budget for community
projects, which get no increase and stayed at 20000 € (for the whole
world wide community).

We are in a pandemic.

The budget is based on the local communities which send out budget

As most conferences and thus the booths are not taking place very
likely in 2021 (or already canceled), many communities didn't send any
or at least a very small budget wish. This is totally ok for the
moment. Same goes for the travel expenses which is naturally not
taking place at the moment.

For example, the German community did only send a minimum wish. There
are no meetings in 2021 at the Linux Hotel in Essen nor meetings in
Hamburg or Berlin nor any real life conference (Rhein Ruhr, et all are
all canceled, postponed or virtualized). You know the situation very
well in German and Europe. How should the German community request
money and especially for what?

and have a look into 2019, the last year without pandemic restrictions:

- community (project)  --  15.029,94 €  (plan was 30,000.00 €)

- staff  --  467.624,28 €

The budget for the community was also before the pandemic restrictions
very low.

And there is a further issue. There seemed to be a problem to even
execute on this small budget.

Thus TDF has to evaluate the reasons for this poor execution and make
improvements (especially for the time after the corona pandemic). If TDF
will dodge on this topic, there will be from my opinion no valid reason
to complain about a 'shortage' of volunteers in the LibreOffice project.


I can't say I recognise your description as in 2021 alone I have onboarded over 130 volunteers and I'm not the only one doing this sort of thing.


I have to correct myself: in 2021 I have onboarded 58 volunteers and in 2020 84 volunteers.


thanks Ilmari, i think it's great to have TDF staff onboarding volunteers :slight_smile: