TDF Blog

TDF Blog, accessible at, has been
redesigned and moved to TDF infrastructure. The new layout is based on a
green theme, and allows a greater flexibility to add contents - such as
documents and infographics - to basic posts, to provide additional
information on the LibreOffice community and on the software.

TDF Blog is based on WordPress, a leading open source CMS, running on
the Nginx web server, and on the Green Chilli theme from MyThemeShop
(adapted to reflect LibreOffice main colour).

I have managed the redesign while Alex Werner has managed all the infra
stuff. Please report to me any issue about the blog, and any suggestion
to further improve it.

Best, Italo

I’m glad we’re finally moving away the tiny text of the previous
WordPress theme. But the header logo is wrong: the blog belongs to The
Document Foundation, not LibreOffice.
