Stepping back

Dear members of the Board, dear Community,

I, Charles-H. Schulz, hereby resign from my role as member of the Board
of Directors of The Document Foundation, effective November 1st, 2013.

For business reasons and in the light of the upcoming elections, with
new contributors in charge soon, I feel this is the right time to
announce my resignation.

While I fully intend to stay and remain active within the project,
my resignation also means I will not be available as candidate for the
upcoming board elections.

Best regards,

Hello Charles,

Dear members of the Board, dear Community,

I, Charles-H. Schulz, hereby resign from my role as member of the Board
of Directors of The Document Foundation, effective November 1st, 2013.

For business reasons and in the light of the upcoming elections, with
new contributors in charge soon, I feel this is the right time to
announce my resignation.

While I fully intend to stay and remain active within the project,
my resignation also means I will not be available as candidate for the
upcoming board elections.

on behalf of the community and the foundation, I would like to thank you for all you have done for LibreOffice! You have been one of the founding fathers of the foundation, you have shaped it, and you have greatly contributed to make it what it is today. Thank you truly for everything you did, we wouldn't be where we are today without you!

Our statutes foresee in such cases that the first deputy is promoted to a member of the Board of Directors.

It is my duty and honour to now ask you, Björn Michaelsen, if you accept your promotion to being member of Board of Directors of The Document Foundation, effective November 1st, 2013.


Hi Charles,

While I fully intend to stay and remain active within the project,

  Just a few quick words to say: thanks so much for all your hard work as
a board member & the insight you brought there. Looking forward to
continue working with you in the project ! :slight_smile:

  All the very best,


Charles-H. Schulz wrote:

I, Charles-H. Schulz, hereby resign from my role as member of the Board
of Directors of The Document Foundation, effective November 1st, 2013.

For business reasons and in the light of the upcoming elections, with
new contributors in charge soon, I feel this is the right time to
announce my resignation.

Dear Charles,

seconding Michael and Florian of course with a huge Thank You for all
the heart, time & effort you've put into this project over the years -
we would not be where we are, and what we are today, without you.

Thanks so much, and happy to work with you in other capacities going


-- Thorsten

Dear all,

Hello Charles,

> Dear members of the Board, dear Community,
> I, Charles-H. Schulz, hereby resign from my role as member of the
> Board of Directors of The Document Foundation, effective November
> 1st, 2013.
> For business reasons and in the light of the upcoming elections,
> with new contributors in charge soon, I feel this is the right time
> to announce my resignation.
> While I fully intend to stay and remain active within the project,
> my resignation also means I will not be available as candidate for
> the upcoming board elections.

on behalf of the community and the foundation, I would like to thank
you for all you have done for LibreOffice! You have been one of the
founding fathers of the foundation, you have shaped it, and you have
greatly contributed to make it what it is today. Thank you truly for
everything you did, we wouldn't be where we are today without you!

Our statutes foresee in such cases that the first deputy is promoted
to a member of the Board of Directors.

It is my duty and honour to now ask you, Björn Michaelsen, if you
accept your promotion to being member of Board of Directors of The
Document Foundation, effective November 1st, 2013.


Thank you for these kind words. I leave the board knowing that my
"replacement" for the lack of a better word, will be Björn, who has my
full trust and sincere affection.

Best regards,

Hello Charles, Hello Florian, Dear members of The Document Foundation,

>Dear members of the Board, dear Community,
>I, Charles-H. Schulz, hereby resign from my role as member of the Board
>of Directors of The Document Foundation, effective November 1st, 2013.
>For business reasons and in the light of the upcoming elections, with
>new contributors in charge soon, I feel this is the right time to
>announce my resignation.
>While I fully intend to stay and remain active within the project,
>my resignation also means I will not be available as candidate for the
>upcoming board elections.

on behalf of the community and the foundation, I would like to thank
you for all you have done for LibreOffice! You have been one of the
founding fathers of the foundation, you have shaped it, and you have
greatly contributed to make it what it is today. Thank you truly for
everything you did, we wouldn't be where we are today without you!

First, let me join Florian in thanking Charles for all his work, not only on
the Board of Directors, but also in bringing both LibreOffice and The Document
Foundation into existence. I joined the LibreOffice project six months after
its birth and can not possibly imagine how frantic the early days have been.

Our statutes foresee in such cases that the first deputy is promoted
to a member of the Board of Directors.

It is my duty and honour to now ask you, Björn Michaelsen, if you
accept your promotion to being member of Board of Directors of The
Document Foundation, effective November 1st, 2013.

I accept the promotion to being a member of the Board of Directors of The
Document Foundation and will start my duty as such on November 1st, 2013.

As I have not been directly elected into this role -- being elected as a Deputy
Member only so far -- it comforts me that I will have to confirm the trust
invested in me soon in the upcoming elections.


Bjoern Michaelsen