It is extremely dismaying to see you give up on this. While we disagree on some of the details and causes - I was really encouraged to vote for you, and to see you elected and engaging with the problems. Even more encouraged to see you making some progress too against the odds. Thank you so much for diligently working to get something positive actually done! Thanks too for being a person who reaches out and listens to others across the aisle - we badly need more of that in board work.
It is very far from clear to me why, despite me repeatedly signalling a willingness to talk and help solve these open issues, that no-one is talking and/or proposing even silly ideas for sensible ways ahead: instead there is just brutal escalation. So - thank you in particular for not having that attitude - and always being open.
I completely agree that people should be co-operating in a search for a fair solution - which starts and ends with talking constructively (by which I mean with a focus on building something better). I hope there are still enough board members with the skill & experience to do that in TDF’s interest, although we have lost an unfortunate number of experienced people this term both in the board and membership.
I’m particularly grateful for the self awareness you brought to the role, as well as accurate communication and framing: that these problems are difficult - there are many factors that feed into them, there is no panacea, and the blame is widely distributed etc. That seemed a wise and winsome approach to me.
Anyhow - thanks so much for the time you put in; I really hope you can make good progress on the various important activities you have underway - and that you’ll be able to have the satisfaction of finishing them up; and perhaps a small final hope - that the situation improves enough before you leave - so that doing so will be no longer necessary.
Best wishes, Michael.