I'll run for a Board of Directors seat at the Document Foundation again.
I'm Andreas Mantke, now 56 years old, and I live in Duisburg,
North-Rhine-Westfalia, Germany. I'm unaffilated. This means I don't work for a company
doing business around LibreOffice nor do I earn any money from my work for LibreOffice
and TDF. I'm also not in a (commercial) partnership with a company doing business around LibreOffice or TDF.
I'm employed by a social security institution in Düsseldorf and work there in the office with files and German regulations.
I'm active in the community of LibreOffice and it's antecessor already since autumn 2002.
Currently I administrate the LibreOffice extensions and templates as well as
the ODFAuthors website, two sites running on the Content Management System Plone. I develop two
new addons for the LibreOffice extensions and templates website to make it even better.
Alongside my work with the ODFAuthors and the extensions and templates website I run boothes
together with other project members, e.g. at Open Rhein Ruhr in Oberhausen, at the FOSDEM in Brussels,
at the Cebit in Hannover and at the didacta in Stuttgart.
I served as a deputy member and a member for the last nearly four years and worked together with the
other board members to grow the community of and improve the setting to make it even more easy
to contribute to LibreOffice.
I want to continue this work, because our way of the development of an open source and free office
software within an own independent meritocratic organization showed already success. I'm convinced
that we should go further in this direction, stay with openess, transparency and diversity. Thus I'm
a supporter of our transparent budget and financial reports as well as the way to tender projects and the like.