Hi Board, Hello fellow TDF members,
the new TDF board is in office now for a quarter already. At the last in person
meeting (FOSDEM, Bruessels), the board agreed to a set of seven goals for the
next year, each with one to four key results attached to them. I wonder if the
TDF membership can get an update by the board on these?
On a casual search, I could not find these publicly on this list, so I am not
copying them in here in case that is intentional(*).
I am kindly asking the board to consider:
1/ publishing these goals and their key results either here (or if that is "too
public", at least to the TDF membership) if that hasnt happened yet and
clarify the audience it is intended for.
2/ Give the membership an update on each goal and key result after 3 months,
a/ reconfirmation:
Is the goal/result still viable and agreed upon in the board? If not, why
and how was it modified, replaced or dropped? What were the external changes
leading to this?
b/ status:
Are we still "on-track" for the goal or result? Or is there significant
risk of missing it? While most goals were set for a time horizon of ~one
year, some intermediate results had explicit (or implicit a la "at
LibreOffice conference") shorter timeframes of approximately 6 months
set. Those should be easy to judge on their process as at least much of the
preparation should be finished by now.
c/ adjustments:
If goals are confirmed, but not on-track, what changes can and will be
attempted to rectify this. Who will take the lead on the specific topic?
I understand from various smoke signs that the current board is in a stressful
situation right now. However, I hope looking back at the original goals of the
board at the start of this term might also help to focus its effort back on its
shared mission: Things to be remembered for.
I guess providing these updates as part of the next board meeting is reasonable
-- esp. if the minutes are published in due time. Otherwise communicating this
out-of-turn is fine for me too, if the board can agree on a position that way
Thanks and best regards,
(*) Which I would consider a bug.