This comes up from time to time, and unfortunately The Document Foundation has not yet generated the “voluntary” Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR) based on VPAT. Institutional and governmental users often need such ACR to document compliance/support of accessibility standards, i.e. W3C/WAI WCAG, EN 301 549 (EU), or Section 508 (US).
Believe VPAT based ACR should be published for the UI of TDF delivered LibreOffice builds. While Community built products (e.g. Zeta Office, Collabora Office) would be well aided by a central repository of accessibility information for the LibreOffice core, with ability to document facets unique to their builds.
Recommend BoD should resolve, and tender if needed, to post suitable ACR from completed VPAT to the Foundation WiKi, perhaps best hosted to the TDF Accessibility page [1].
Reporting VPAT format is rather flexible, but the VPAT 2.5 templates provided by the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) [2] are suitable to task, though in OOXML rather than ODF
Looks like their “International” flavor might be the best template to complete for LibreOffice.
The effort would be helpful to document Foundation commitment to and the state of compliance with accessibility standards. It would really help keep institutional and governmental adopters compliant with accessibility regulations.
[1] Accessibility - The Document Foundation Wiki
[2] VPAT - Information Technology Industry Council