As one of its tasks, the current board is looking into decisions and meeting minutes taken in the past that were not yet published according to our statutes. What follows are previously private minutes from the 2023-11-13 meeting of the previous board, which are now made public. Some elements in the minutes might be redacted as there is a need for confidentiality, or as individuals are mentioned in specific contexts.
Disclaimer: The following private minutes from the previous board are published as is. They have not necessarily been confirmed by the respective session’s chairperson or keeper of the minutes, nor approved by the respective board.
Member-Private Section
none this time
Board-Private Section
5. Status Report: Status on audit and annual report (Florian Effenberger, 10 mins)
- status report on audit & deadlines
- declaration of representation - who/when/where?
- statement of completeness still pending (Thorsten)
- deadline Nov 30 (Florian)
- docs shared on NC
- fact/ground may have changed with this last letter (Thorsten)
- my fund. thing remains
- [REDACTED: sensitive legal statement]
- knowing things are done behind my back it’s hard to make a statement (Florian)
- you are [REDACTED: reference to role or person] (Florian)
- [REDACTED: sensitive legal statement]
- you threaten me
- [REDACTED: two lines of sensitive legal statements]
- writing the opposite (Paolo)
- [REDACTED: two lines of sensitive legal statements]
- undue pressure on me (Florian)
- things happening behind the backs (Thorsten)
- spreading lies
- blaming and not giving explanation (Cor)
- am not in conflict
- you are (Paolo)
- matters have changed ([REDACTED: board member refered to one line below])
- you want Florian to sign (Paolo)
- document from today afternoon (Florian)
- now pressing deadline
- best is to see what questions can be answered
- exactly what we sign every year (Thorsten)
- will review letter
- [REDACTED: sensitive legal statement]
minuting suspended by [REDACTED: member of the board] at 19:10
minuting continued at 19:18
=== - deadline (Florian)
- let’s get it done, not diffcult at least not with [REDACTED: name of company] (Thorsten)
- someone from the reamining board to take the lead
6. Status Report, Discuss: Pending policy updates (Cor Nouws, Florian Effenberger, Thorsten Behrens, 10 mins)
Finalize implementation Whistleblowing Policy/Procedure
- Part of the whistleblowing policy is to establish a contact person: “Each organization shall designate a contact person to assist the internal unit in the investigation and to be available to answer questions.” (§ 4 of Rules of Procedure of the policy)
- Discuss what we expect from that position.
Staff protection:
- missing bits
- next steps
- updates from [REDACTED: name of lawyer or law firm]?
- [REDACTED: name of community member] proposed is not a good choice ([REDACTED: board member refered to two lines below])
- [REDACTED: name of community member] is experienced, one of the top persons for this (Paolo)
- stop undue pressure
- [REDACTED: name of community member] wrote about been harassed by current board members ([REDACTED: reference to board member])
- look into that and learn:
- felt harassed when [REDACTED: remove reference to specific event]
- [REDACTED: name of community member] didn’t mention that [REDACTED: name of community member] wanted to keep that secret
- nevertheless I apologized for that, and then [REDACTED: name of community member] still feels harassed.
- support [REDACTED: name of board member] saying [REDACTED: name of community member] is not out side problematic areas
- do we need one from staff? ([REDACTED: name of board member refered to three lines beow])
- ‘all’ staff having issues
- thinking about one from e.g. CoC committee
- You are one of directors accused of harassement so you are in conflict here (Paolo)
- [REDACTED: two lines of CoC discussion]
- think [REDACTED: name of community member] is good but if there are issues (Florian)
- could be you or one from infra (Thorsten)
- contact person should not me (Florian)
- asked [REDACTED: name of community member] and [REDACTED: name of community member] replied to be fine
- no board, MC should be there
Cor leaving at 19:30
7. Status Report, Discuss: Outstanding invoices wrt tendering (Florian Effenberger, Cor Nouws, 10 mins)
I recently/again understood there is an external ([REDACTED: name of lawyer or law firm]?) document that is at the bases for the current situation. Without wanting to go into details of that document (for which various directors are in CoI), we can look at procedure/actions followed so far. See if that indicates possible ways forward.
- skipped
8. Discuss: Last minute item(s) (tdf-board, 5 mins)
Rationale: if there is time left, and anything is popping up after sending the agenda
The board-private meeting ends at 18:32 UTC / 19:32 Berlin time.