[previous private MINUTES] 2023-08-21

As one of its tasks, the current board is looking into decisions and meeting minutes taken in the past that were not yet published according to our statutes. What follows are previously private minutes from the 2023-08-21 meeting of the previous board, which are now made public. Some elements in the minutes might be redacted as there is a need for confidentiality, or as individuals are mentioned in specific contexts.

Disclaimer: The following private minutes from the previous board are published as is. They have not necessarily been confirmed by the respective session’s chairperson or keeper of the minutes, nor approved by the respective board.

5. Discuss: Last minute item(s) (tdf-board, 10 mins)
Rationale: if there is time left, and anything is popping up after sending the agenda

  • local budget for conf. available (Thorsten)
  • have a draft budget (Gabriel)
    • registration not finished yet, so only rough budget
    • following disc. w Italo increase budget for conf. in general
    • after pandemic and geopolitics raised costs in general
    • travel/acc. at around 20k
    • don’t know how much to increase but in principal
  • you, Gabriel, w. Italo make a proposal? (Thorsten)
    • if necessary will have a quick vote on this
  • if going beyond already approved budget need decision to extpand (Gabriel)
    • will discuss w Italo
  • [REDACTED: 47 lines of sensitive legal discussion]
    at 17:16/19:16 Thorsten and Gabor leaving
  • [REDACTED: name of potential sponsor] asked for 4k sponsorship (Gabriel)
    • [REDACTED: name of potential sponsor] did not pay last year sponsorship
  • some unpaid invoices from [REDACTED: name of potential sponsor] (Gabriel)
    • suggestion was not accept the sponsorship
    • [REDACTED: name of potential sponsor] ready to pay this year before the conf.
    • paying via local entity
    • so no more issue
    • I suggest you to confirm the sponsorship
  • services are provided by TDF (Paolo)
    • [REDACTED: name of employee of potential sponsor] wants to pay local NGO and not TDF
  • local NGO’s handle this for TDF (Gabriel)
    • was the standard process
    • local NGO to have easy way to be paid
    • then local NGO pays service provider
  • standard procedure (Cor)
  • glad of this idea (Laszlo)
    • happy about core contributors
    • don’t know what’s the best solution
    • think organizers to handle the issue
    • don’t know who will sponsor
    • important for the conf.
    • not increase the dept for [REDACTED: name of potential sponsor]
    • fine [REDACTED: name of potential sponsor] to pay for the last conf.
  • see you are happy w the proposal (Cor)
  • no problem that money goes to locals (Gabriel)
  • so you make a credit note (PaolO)
  • [REDACTED: sensitive legal statement]
  • service provider is TDF (Paolo)
  • standing practice to work w locals
    • need to vote on this by email
  • is standard practice (Gabriel)
    • will start a vote probably tomorrow
    • [REDACTED: employees of potential sponsor] sure not to participate
    • asking for your support
  • our estim. for the conf. ~20k (Gabriel)
    • 121 participants
    • 17 students particpating in the workshops
    • kudos to e.g. Hossein for working on this workshop

The private meeting ends at 17:33 UTC / 19:33 Berlin time.