Please add a Telegram Moderator Group and clear rules


for the history:
we had some volunteer from Nepali (based nowadays in India), fighting spam in our big general @LibreOffice - Group. He was good. And because of missing information, he kicked some user. Revoked admin rights and is (as far as I know) no longer in the community. He was really contributing his time, keeping the channel clean at times when most Europeans sleeping. The admin rights were removed by one false-positive (!) without explanation to the admin (granted by me).

Since when we get spam a block these after some minutes, hours, or by bot.
My request for am english-general-administrator group was ignored.

Today somebody requested, who is a well known telegram user, informing that there might be a bot by schema X…

a) create rules
b) give back (or ever) these users the rights to remove spam accounts
c) create a general admin group for communicating, even for cornercases!

Hi Dennis,

I think this topic belongs to the website list. Or you should ask the admin team directly.



Thanks for bringing this up, @dennisroczek !

Some additional info about the current status:

  • We have an antispam bot, Shieldy, which does some verification when a user joins the group for the first time, and prevents them from sending non-textual content (media, links etc.) for the first 24 hours. This prevents a good number of spammer bots by kicking them out due to failed verification, and also makes them ineffective by automatically deleting everything they send (during the first 24 hours, for non-textual content) if they somehow pass the verification, which is also a good deterrent because some (but not all) bots just give up in the first 24 hours.
  • We have recently enabled CAS ban feature of our anti-spam bot. Now, whenever a new user joins the group, the anti-spam bot looks for their username/user-id in a huge database of known spammers, and preemptively kicks/bans them. This also keeps a good number of spammers out of our group.
  • We have also enabled the built-in aggressive anti-spam feature of Telegram, a while ago.
  • However, these measures may not be effective against smarter and patient bots/spammers. A bot/spammer account, which was not a known offender, may join the group, do the verification, wait for 24+ hours patiently, and start sleeping in teh group until the time they decide to send some spam messages. This is why some human moderators are useful.
  • We have also been looking into some more advanced anti-spam measures/bots, but haven’t concluded the work on that front yet.
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Have we official Matrix groups ?

They are listed here:

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Thank you a lot, Sophi