for the history:
we had some volunteer from Nepali (based nowadays in India), fighting spam in our big general @LibreOffice - Group. He was good. And because of missing information, he kicked some user. Revoked admin rights and is (as far as I know) no longer in the community. He was really contributing his time, keeping the channel clean at times when most Europeans sleeping. The admin rights were removed by one false-positive (!) without explanation to the admin (granted by me).
Since when we get spam a block these after some minutes, hours, or by bot.
My request for am english-general-administrator group was ignored.
Today somebody requested, who is a well known telegram user, informing that there might be a bot by schema X…
a) create rules
b) give back (or ever) these users the rights to remove spam accounts
c) create a general admin group for communicating, even for cornercases!