Planned team meeting in Munich 2025


for the sake of transparency, I’d also like to share the following mail which I’ve just sent to board, membership committee and team. I don’t want to bother this forum with the scheduling details, but will keep you posted if a joint meeting eventually turns out to happen, and share meeting results here.

we are currently looking into organizing an in-person team meeting in Munich, like we did in the past years.

Very likely, the most feasible week will be June 2 to 7, this is when the majority of team members could attend - most in-person, some remotely.

We need some time with the team, as a large group in a room is not very effective, but at the same time, we’d like to propose probably two days of joint meetings with board and MC, again in person and remotely.

Do not book any travel yet, we are in the process to coordinate things, but wanted to send this heads-up and ask if you are interested in such a meeting. Looking forward to your feedback!


Hi Florian,

I think there can be some conflict on that week with the COOL days which will take place on 2nd - 4th June 2025 in Budapest. (

This conflict, if I’m not mistaken, may affect others as well.


As already pointed out, it conflicts with COOL days unfortunately, I’ll not be able to attend in those days :frowning:


thanks for the information indeed - I wasn’t aware. Seems scheduling during that period of the year is really tough. :frowning:

That week seems one of the few where most people are available, factoring in vacations and public holidays. All other slots were more challenging - our group with board, MC and team is too big to get everyone in the same room at the same time, I fear.

I’ll wait for feedback from others and see if we can reschedule, but I’m currently not much optimistic.


At the moment it’s unclear if the meeting can take place in the form as planned. At the originally proposed date, there are six trade shows in Munich, and costs even for regular hotels are skyrocketing.

We have an alternate date at hand, but need to investigate the hotel costs there.

We could also choose a different location than Munich, maybe something a bit out of town - the disadvantage then, however, is that we might not save hotel costs for five people who live close to Munich and therefore don’t need lodging, so that might counterbalance any savings.

We’ll look further and keep you posted.