I think BoD should handle LOOL repository according to attic / deattic policy, measuring how many people devote their time to improve the code and make release happen, instead of based on how many people want it, by replying +1.
Just check our own marketing material [1] that compares LibreOffice and Apache OpenOffice on the number of releases and code changes. That’s what attic policy is trying to avoid. And I bet it’s far from enough just satisfying the deattic threshold in order to be an active project. For the project to sustain, you’ll need core developers, regular contributors, and other newbies who have potential to make contribution. Based on my observation, LOOL has none of them now.
Given that repositories of LOOL, LODE, OSSII are competing the scarce resources, i.e. developers.
As a developer, I’ll choose the project that is most active to contribute to and advice others to do so. I tried to make few patches for Apache Office even after I had started to contribute to LibreOffice many years ago. I stopped doing so because it took me more than twice effort since the code had diverged. Not to mention that developers need to collaborate with each other. Considering these, I think LOOL under TDF little chance to grow again. I’d advice accept the fact that the developer community has moved away. Just let it go as if it had never happened. Do better and form a robust developer community first next time.
OTOH, I think the idea of facilitating access to information and communication is admirable. It’s worth us to brainstorm the method to achieve the goal. There are other technology worth considering, for example, investing on Android version or WebAssembly port of LibreOffice. LOOL need not to be the only solution. It is not even a feasible solution at the moment.
Best regards.
[1] https://www.libreoffice.org/discover/libreoffice-vs-openoffice/
Daniel A. Rodriguez <drodriguez@libreoffice.org> 於 2022年7月11日 週一 凌晨4:42寫道:
We, the undersigned, would like to express our great concern regarding the definitive closure of the repository of what was LibreOffice Online. Considering the mission of facilitating access to information and communication technologies as a fundamental and strategic achievement of inclusion and exercise of digital sovereignty.
As a foundation committed to eliminating the digital divide in society by giving everyone free access to office productivity tools, the most important thing is to demonstrate that we are committed to offering alternatives to all those individuals and organizations that lack the resources to hire corporate services.
We intend with this message, an absolute rethinking of the vote that established the current condition of the repository, which belongs to the community and should welcome improvements from all over the community, as we consider it goes against the objectives outlined by The Document Foundation.
To avoid the process of atticization, as the clock is already ticking, and, at the same time, emphasize the global nature of the foundation we urge full consideration of the two proposals that have been made so far.
Support Andreas Mantke’s effort to revive the LOOL project. Who has already succeeded in upgrading the pre-fork code base to current libraries and dependencies versions. (https://listarchives.documentfoundation.org/www/board-discuss/2022/msg00684.html)
Implement the OxOffice On Line Community Version fork that already has several improvements before the LOOL version has been frozen, including those implemented in the commercial versions, and bugs fixed by them as they see fit. (https://listarchives.documentfoundation.org/www/board-discuss/2022/msg00694.html)
In any case, since this is a community version TDF must show its commitment to its core values and do everything in their power to grow LOOL community in order to continue development.
Sincerely yours, LibreOffice Community Members and Activists around the world.
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