New frame style for inline heading in Writer


An new frame style named “Heading inline” was introduced in 25.2 . The justification is in the link below.

As far as I tested, it is a inline frame style to handle a heading-styled content in the paragraph.


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Hello Olivier

Pardon my ignorance, but what is the purpose of Heading inline style and how is this style to be used? The explanation does not explain.


@PeeWee : you are right, and I had to dig deep to get the idea. It seems that it has been introduced to improve OOXML interoperability.

To use it, create an empty frame and apply the “Heading Inline” frame style. It will anchor as character and set width to zero, where you start typing your text and format it as you wish. Beyond that, I can’t imagine why use it, but I may be short in ideas.


From a note in the commit it says: " Note: lack of inline heading was a showstopper for creating
APA-, IEEE-, MIL-STD-961E-format, legal etc. documents."

So I think it’s for documents who use strong formatting rules like APA format used in scientific papers.

An inline heading, aka “run-in” heading is a heading (outline) paragraph with a special formatting, so that the heading is not in a separate paragraph, as usually, but part of the text body that follows.

Thank you Antonio for the explanation.

Somehow I do not think I shall be using Inline Heading. There is no requirement for this style in the Impress and Draw user guides.

Also, in my long career as a Technical Writer, I have never come across a need to use inline headings. However, I will do a test to see what use an inline heading can be in a document.
