Missing sample files for Base Guide.

On this page : https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Preface
and in the document : BG6400-Preface
I see the list of Example files used in the Base Guide. 18 files.
But in the file Sample-Databases.zip i see only 13 files.

It's missing :

I am translating the Base Guide into French and i need these files, if it's
Someone can help ?

Thanks. Regards,

Hi Jean-Michel,

I don't know if there will exist a newer translation, but some of this
databases you could find here:
and all of the German original are here:
(Handbuch "Base").



Robert Großkopf wrote

Hi Jean-Michel,

I don't know if there will exist a newer translation, but some of this
databases you could find here:
and all of the German original are here:
(Handbuch "Base").

Hello Robert,

exactly what I wanted!
thank you,

PS : is there an english translation of the very useful : Weitere
Beispieldatenbanken mit Beschreibung

Hi Jean-Michel,

PS : is there an english translation of the very useful : Weitere
Beispieldatenbanken mit Beschreibung

No, it hasn't been translated. My English isn't good enough for
translating such a description.



Hi, Robert!

Can I link this link Datenbases in wiki pages (Documentation/Other Resources)? Or do you suggest better to share directly the items as media files (also in wiki)?

I had a hard time finding the Example_PDFForm_Import.odb, which is mentioned in the Base Guide, but not linked anywhere…

Hi Celia,>

Can I link this link Datenbanken
lo_hb_en/ in wiki pages (Documentation/Other Resources)? Or do you
suggest better to share directly the items as media files (also in

I had a hard time finding the Example_PDFForm_Import.odb, which is
mentioned in the Base Guide, but not linked anywhere…

No problem to link directly to this files. Have forgotten I tried to
translate these files a long time agao, when others translated the
English Base Guide from an old German Base Handbuch.

But: Wonder why these fiels haven’t been uploaded for the Base Guide.
For German Base Handbuch you could get the German files (and much more)
in a *.zip on de.libreoffice.org.



Hi, Robert!

Thank you very much!

Thanks for sharing them and also for investing your time on it. Although I would love to see many people learning from your examples, I honestly don’t anticipate a notorious download bandwidth on your side ;D

I could try the translation using AI or DeepL, but I guess those truly interested will do it as well…

Thanks for the German link!!!

Saludos fraternales,

Well they were for the English Base Guide V7. My recollection is a page with tutorial content for different versions of the docs and some standalone tutorials. It looks like English documentation | LibreOffice Documentation - LibreOffice User Guides has been revised.

iirc there were some minor revisions. The files linked here older.

btw, the current process of just reviewing changes means these omissions are hard to find after they are missed once.

How-tos and Tutorials - Base

Also see Documentation/Publications - The Document Foundation Wiki Additional files