Although it is not mentioned in Help page Starting LibreOffice Software With Parameters, I was able to make the export of a ODP Impress file as HTML thru command-line. My code was:
libreoffice --convert-to html ejemplo.odp
So, this extra filter MUST BE mentioned in Help page, as well in documentation, specially now that the Export to HTML menu has been removed.
Besides, on that pages it is not clear what are the parameters for the other filters (there are some examples, but pointing to the complete list for each filter would be better).
In command-line help for libreoffice command, still you can see the option
, but I was truly unable to use it, to extract the images. (I’m already aware of the extension for that purpose). Either must be out if the command-line help to avoid confusions (maybe this functionality has been deprecated), or the command-line help must be very specific in it usage.Here’s what you can read in command-line help (
$ libreoffice --help
--convert-to OutputFileExtension[:OutputFilterName] \
[--outdir output_dir] [--convert-images-to]
Batch convert files (implies --headless). If --outdir
isn't specified, then current working directory is used
as output_dir. If --convert-images-to is given, its
parameter is taken as the target filter format for *all*
images written to the output format. If --convert-to is
used more than once, the last value of
OutputFileExtension[:OutputFilterName] is effective. If
--outdir is used more than once, only its last value is
effective. For example:
--convert-to pdf *.odt
--convert-to epub *.doc
--convert-to pdf:writer_pdf_Export --outdir /home/user *.doc
--convert-to "html:XHTML Writer File:UTF8" \
--convert-images-to "jpg" *.doc
--convert-to "txt:Text (encoded):UTF8" *.doc