Wednesday November 27th 2017, 18:00 CET
Presents: Olivier, Jorge
Completed items
* Review and proofread
+ review and uploaded chapter 11 and 12 to Feedback folder,
waiting for last-minute additions
AI: Update Appendix A and B to draft folder (Paul)
* Check & balance of the task assigned
+ continue to review and place files on the right folders (Draft,
and Feedback)
* continuation of the topics evaluation for GS 6.0
+ Dave is monitoring the 6.0 release notes
The Calc book (Jorge)
+ Start investigating the workload for udating Calc book (Jorge)
AI: + List wiki pages for calc from release 4.1 to 6.0 (olivier)
NEXT MEETING: Monday December 4th 2017, at 18:00 Berlin Time