Minutes of the Design Hangout: 2017-Apr-06

Present: Thibaut, Jay, Heiko, Andreas

* Notebookbar
   + latest proposal https://plus.google.com/107566594492891737454/posts/3224oKyvEsz (Andreas)
   + interesting and appealing idea but the unusual interaction should be tested with users (Thibaut)
   + challenging the premise to label all controls in the contextual sections variant (Thibaut)
   + was done intentionally for beginners and to overcome bad icon design (Heiko)
   + and luckily we can provide different implementations
   + as GSoC students are interested in the topic we should prioritize the tasks (Jay)
   + prepare personal prioritization list of MAB => Andreas

* Numbering & Bullets, Outline
   + Proposal for redesign https://docs.google.com/document/d/16-6zkZl5LiICnUILhv1CfIHIdyQFyTJKp7XGST5zq5U
   + Looking for more opinions (Heiko)
     + esp. from Eric as he reported Nante users have problems with numbering
* Color picker
   + New default color palette https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=87538
   + Patch in - https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/36202 (Jay)
   + Start writing a blog post => Heiko

* Remove https://github.com/libodesign when Sifr is merged into Git
   + Started to transfer Sifr into Github => Andreas