+ Samuel, Heiko, Cor (partly), Jay, Tomaz
* Have a special UX hackfest/meeting?
+ idea from Arnaud acknowledged by TDF
+ no interest so far; will drop from the planning
* Custom Shapes
+ Have a meeting with stakeholders and talk about next steps (Jay)
+ AI Heiko: send out an email
* Notebookbar procedure
+ new section in wiki with guidelines for general purpose
and contextual sections
+ single line and tabs missing
* Should this be backported to make non-notebookbar modes accessible to all (Jay)
+ it's a minor bug fix so it makes sense to add to 5.3.1 (Jay)
+ is in master for some weeks, should be safe to push (Samuel)
+ will have a look and approve it (Samuel)
* Default set of table styles
+ Asked again on the ML and did a short survey
+ got a number of replies, unfortunately in the survey where comments cannot be assigned properly
to the question (as told in the ML)
+ propose to run the survey now with the community but have only one comment at the end (Heiko)
+ no objections
+ two approaches possible: 1: what do people like; 2: is there anything that people do
not want to be part of the set
+ check with Jakub/Miklos whether text formatting is part of table style ODF and OOXML formats (Jay)
+ text formatting is applied currently (Heiko)
* New default color palette
+ recommend to run a poll with the 3 variants in 12x9 size (Heiko)
+ suggest to do it on the ML (Jay)
+ as an Open Source project we should include the whole community (Heiko)