minutes of ESC call ...

* Present:
    + Lionel, Stephan, Norbert, Sophie, Armin, Kendy, Michael M,
      Thorsten, Caolan, Jan I, Andras, Eike, Christian, Miklos,
      Michael S, Olivier, Bjoern

* Completed Action Items:
    + setup GSOC proposal ranking spreadsheet (Michael)
    + add UI guys as reviewers for gerrit UI patches (JanI)
    + switch lcov profiling config to --system-nss (Norbert)
         [ did but didn't solve the problem ]
AI: poke again at the lcov problem on tb31 ? (Bjoern)

* Pending Action Items:
    + investigate clobberring glew instead of lots of #ifdefs: (Marco, Oliver)
         [ have a patch that makes glew not have any dependencies thanks to Marco
           waiting for up-stream review of that - it is invasive-ish as a patch,
           as changes generated headers (Michael)
           https://github.com/nigels-com/glew/pull/84 ]
    + tweak UI and get LiveConnect API key / build case for board (Christian)
    + ask QA to re-test http://tdf.io/mmregressions (Robinson)
         [ testing underway ]
    + attempt to re-build a recent gstreamer 1.0 / core spec file
      on our CentOS6 base (tdf#94508) (Christian)
    + script XML / l10n string translation changes (Christian)
         [ still pending => ignore translating it for now (Cloph) ].

* Release Engineering update (Christian)
    + 5.0.6
        + RC1 tagged built & being pushed to mirrors
        + not all patches integrated, some were waiting for -5-0
           + 7 patches in total.
           + now needs tripple review 1x for -5-0 and 2x for 5-0-6
        + RC2 - due for tagging in 2 weeks - April 26th.
    + 5.1.3 RC1 - due April 18th
        + due next ~Tuesday
    + 5.2 Alpha 1 - ~end of week Thur of April 18th
        + a milestone for early testing.
    + Android & iOS Remote
        + Material-design theming bits
             + needed some re-write to avoid breaking min. version compat.
             + more patches coming in too.
             + do we keep orange/yellow or green + animations etc.

* Documentation (Olivier)
    + Got vm173.documentfoundation.org to play with XHP+XSLT. Issue on mime-type to fix (INNE - I'm no nginx expert).
    + Getting Started guides under review by ODFAuthors team (Preface, Introduction, Setup, Style&Templates)
    + Patches in help (write+submit and cherry-pick+verify+submit)
    + Support newcomer for writing helpcontent.
    + Community work: pt-BR team starting translation with OmegaT (I'm supporting them remotely)

* l10n (Sophie)
    + all going well, Cloph has removed the 4.3 and 4.4 projects from pootle
        + for langs mentioned on ML
           + old ones are used as proposals (Cloph)

* GSoC 2016 (Thorsten)
    + Ranking ~done in spreadsheet
        + pretty obvious in some ways.
    + We have submitted a slot ask - we got 11 slots (JanI)
    + We have until the 20th to choose which students (Thorsten)
        + still time for ranking - but 1st come 1st served for students.
           + org that clicks first gets the student.
    + concerned wrt. lack of time given for ranking (Michael)
       + can we do a partial acceptance ? (Norbert)
       + top 9 already accepted by Markus (Thorsten)
    + decided between the remaining three inside the call.

    ** Do not communicate results with students **

* UX Update (Kendy)
    + nothing v. substantial in the call.
    + small meeting; just Kendy / Jay / Heiko.
        + sometimes 7 sometimes 3.

* Crashtest update (Caolan)
    + 1 import failures, 1 export failures, 3 coverity
        + whack-amole of incoming changes continues
    + continuing work on hunspell.
    + how is fuzzing going ? (Norbert)
        + intermittent results from many CPU weeks (Caolan)

* Gran Canaria hack-fest update (Thorsten)
    + https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Events/LibreOffice_Espania_Summit
    + one day of three with students
    + five people learning various things wrt. LibreOffice hacking
    + some Java extension / python macro bits.
    + community: nice to get people in a room
    + same conclusion as last year from TDF side.
        + not convinced wrt. new students.
    + good meetings (JanI)
        + Xisco + students - planned an event in Madrid later this year.

* Hackfests (Bjoern)
    + next venues / suggestions
        + Ankara, Turkey
            + April 30th - May 1st.
            + https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Hackfest/Ankara2016
            + plan do an overview talk on Friday with Markus & any interest (Michael)
        + Germany, Munich, LiMux; End of May 2016 (Jan-Marek)
            + Orga: https://wiki.debian.org/BSP/2016/05/de/Munich
            + 27-29 May (parallel to the Debian Sun Camp)
AI: + poke at hack-fest candidate list (Bjoern)

* Mentoring Update (JanI)
    + closed work on GSoC
    + prepping new vm to be used for mentoring statistics, and contributor help
        + automating daily manual work as a cron job.
    + total: 135 ( open gerrit patches of which 83 are mergeable
    + contributors: 63 open gerrit patches of which 34 are mergeable
    + abondoned/pinged old patches
    + could we have a +3 vs. -4 for numbers from last week (Michael)
        + new VM will help.

* Commit Access

* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy/Thorsten)
    + after GSOC setup

* Jenkins / CI update (Norbert)
    master linux rel jobs: 173 ok: 161 ko: 12 fail ratio: 6.94 % break: 6 broken duration: 2.36%
    master linux dbg jobs: 143 ok: 134 ko: 9 fail ratio: 6.29 % break: 7 broken duration: 4.19%
    master mac rel jobs: 161 ok: 155 ko: 6 fail ratio: 3.73 % break: 5 broken duration: 1.33%
    master mac dbg jobs: 164 ok: 161 ko: 2 fail ratio: 1.22 % break: 1 broken duration: 0.37%
    master win rel jobs: 114 ok: 105 ko: 8 fail ratio: 7.02 % break: 3 broken duration: 8.25%
    master win dbg jobs: 117 ok: 102 ko: 14 fail ratio: 11.97 % break: 3 broken duration:10.10%
    master win64 dbg jobs: 114 ok: 101 ko: 13 fail ratio: 11.40 % break: 5 broken duration: 9.66%
    lo-5.0 mac jobs: 9 ok: 9 ko: 0 fail ratio: 0.00 % break: 0 broken duration: 0.00%
    lo-5.1 mac jobs: 18 ok: 18 ko: 0 fail ratio: 0.00 % break: 0 broken duration: 0.00%
    + intended to fail:
    gerrit win rel jobs: 237 ok: 195 ko: 39 fail ratio:16.46%
    gerrit lin rel jobs: 238 ok: 211 ko: 26 fail ratio:10.92%
    gerrit mac rel jobs: 237 ok: 216 ko: 21 fail ratio: 8.86%
    gerrit all jobs: 236 ok: 176 ko: 56 fail ratio:23.73%
    + numbers not wonderful for Windows
        + lots of it - infra. move of machine over the weekend
           + a hiccup: over-zealously failing builds
           + local TCP server to simulate desktops for tests to pass
               + a real windows app required.

    + fixed the last known Windows specific deadlock (Michael S / Armin)
        + might be worth seeing if 'make check' works reliably.
            + might fail but should not deadlock.
        + we have a dbgutil t-box (Norbert)
            + will check if it runs 'make check'
        + getting new Windows hardware soon (Norbert)
        + important that dbgutil is not used everywhere (Miklos)
            + since most developers use it.
        + still one small issue (Michael S)
            + when run the tests locally - assertion failure: pops up a dialog box.
                + is a registry tweak for that (Norbert)

* Easy Hacks (JanI)
    + total 292: 275 not assigned, 13 Assigned to contributors, 4 need info
    + needsDevEval 429 needs to be evaluated
    + cleanup: 228 has more than 4 comments, 198 needs to be reviewed
    + new last 8 days:
    + how do we create an easy-hack (Kendy) ?
       + perhaps whiteboard not keywords ? (Michael)
    + pinged/unassigned easy hacks assigned for more than 1 month
       + some positive responses.
    + have a script to pull all easy-hacks as json.
    + Working on tool to copy old easy hacks to new ones, with less comments
       (comments edited manually - offline)
    + create your own by updating Keywords to eg.
            "easyHack, difficultyBeginner, skillCpp, topicCleanup"
            + please remember, a code pointer is mandatory, and typically
              a look from an experienced developer
    + create new easy hacks from these proposed ones
      (or remove the Keyword "needsDevEval" if not feasible):

* QA update (Bjoern)
    + UNCONFIRMED: 737
        + going up - help much appreciated.
        + enhancements: 69
        + in ux-advise: 33
    + needAdvice at 31

    + 5.0.6 issues - mostly fixed.
    + Most Pressing Bugs:
        + tdf#89034 - OS X: Text not being justified in Persian and other RTL languages
            + Persists as Common issue -> lots of duplicates; many related layout bugs
        + Mail merge regressions (Bjoern)
            + Cor did some testing of the new code
            + http://tdf.io/mmregressions (11 open; 9 open last meeting)
               + several have commits on them - just need closing.

    + April 22nd - 1st 5.2 bug-hunting session planned.

* QA stats

  + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html
    +148 -111 (+37 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        Markus Mohrhard 14
        raal 12
        Adolfo Jayme 9
        V Stuart Foote 8
        Buovjaga 7
        David Tardon 5
        Miklos Vajna 5
        Julien Nabet 4
        m.a.riosv 4
        steve -_- 3
        Caolán McNamara 3
        Eike Rathke 3
        Joel Madero 3
        Yousuf (Jay) Philips 3

* Highest-Priority bugs (aka "MABs"):
        5.2: 3/8 - 37% +0
        5.1: 2/27 - 7% +0
        5.0: 7/52 - 13% +0
        4.4: 9/72 - 12% -1
        4.3: 5/68 - 7% +0
        4.2: 10/133 - 7% +0
        4.1: 4/79 - 5% +0
        4.0: 9/81 - 11% +0
        old: 38/249 - 15% +0

* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibisected'
  + 383/1325 388/1313 391/1307 399/1305 404/1297 406/1292 412/1284
    + http://tdf.io/bibibugs

* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
        + 750(-16) bugs open of 4832(+14) total 23(-2) high prio.

        * ~Component count net * high severity regressions
                  Calc - 8 (-1)
                Writer - 8 (-1)
           LibreOffice - 3 (+0)
                  Base - 2 (+0)
            Extensions - 1 (+0)
               Impress - 1 (+0)
                + http://tdf.io/regressionscritical

        * ~Component count net * all regressions
                Writer - 238 (-3)
                  Calc - 146 (-10)
           LibreOffice - 52 (-1)
               Impress - 49 (+2)
               Crashes - 46 (-1)
                    UI - 40 (-1)
                  Base - 35 (+0)
        graphics stack - 34 (-1)
               Borders - 31 (+0)
                  Draw - 26 (-1)
   filters and storage - 22 (+0)
                 BASIC - 17 (+2)
                 Chart - 14 (+0)
Printing and PDF export- 10 (+0)
        Formula Editor - 6 (+0)
            Linguistic - 4 (+0)
            Extensions - 3 (+0)
          Installation - 2 (+0)
                   sdk - 1 (+0)
             framework - 1 (-1)
                + http://tdf.io/allregressions