Present: Roman, Heiko
Comments from: Stuart, Roman
* Repeat shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+Y) is too far for short-finger users using en (qwerty) keyboard
+ WFM (Heiko)
+ perhaps alt+Y (Stuart)
+ I always use TWO hands for that keyboard shortcuts =) (Roman)
+ keyboard issue for English, see also bug 115052 for other than English
+ Excel (or all MSO) uses F4 (or ctrl+Y) for "repeat last action" (but the
same key also for redo)
+ shift+ctrl+r - cannot press it without hurting myself, ctrl+at+r works
+ alt+<key> should be reserved for hotkeys
+ keep it - common, usable (maybe not for everyone), consistent (Heiko)
+ more opinions needed (Roman)
=> keep it boiling for a week
* Wrong message text when deleting used style
+ change to "...If you delete these styles, text/formatting will revert..."
+ "If you delete these styles, text or objects will revert to the parent style" (Roman)
=> let's take this
* Missing warning when renaming page with same name
+ some explanatory text in the input box additional to the disabled button
+ or just a tooltip "This name has been used for another slide or page" on the disabled button
+ Calc > conditional formatting makes the background of the range field red when not applicable
+ small icon on the field (->set_message_type(weld::EntryMessageType::Error) )
=> let's go with icon and tooltip
* EDITING: “Enter“ in first Cell of Table Creates a Paragraph above Table
+ WF (bad solution to the problem)
+ make it a duplicate of
+ handle enter special at the very first position in tables
+ remove special alt+enter
+ has been fixed a while a ago, apparently
enter at the very first position in the table adds a break before the table
* Tabbed UI (Writer): Division/section-per-tab (similar to Lotus WordPro)
+ not a duplicate of bug 37134 (multiple documents single app window) but
for sections within one document (c21,c29,c30
+ wfm as master documents and the navigator provide enough options for the use case (Heiko)
+ wf (Roman)
=> add suggestion but dont close