Wednesday December12th2018, at 19:30 Berlin Time
Presents:Cathy, Drew, Dave, Olivier
Fall back chat:
TDF Jitsi room
Completed Action Items:
AI: Emails developers to get more clarifications (Drew)
+ Appendix on CPU issues for Calc (threading, OpenCL)
+ What happen with the wiki page "Other Resources"? See the discussion:
* Guides:
+ Create the conversion script (Drew)
AI: Update Contributors Guides with changes from Dave? (Drew)
* Yes.
+ Please review and aprove/comments
Agenda+ Discussion:
* Basic text on signing documents with OpenPGP (ohallot)
+ to add to Guides.
+ Placed in "Contributor Resources" as "gpg.odt".
+ Docuemtnation and Acccessibitlity (A11y)
+ Waht are the resources we have on A11y
+ ask doc list (Drew)
Next meeting Wednesday December 19th 2018, at 19:30 Berlin Time