Membership Committee elections voting tokens sent

Dear Community,

the mail with the token and invitation to vote for the new Membership Committee has been sent out to all members.

It was sent with the subject

“Your The Document Foundation 2020 Membership Committee Elections Voting Token”

and the sender is


Please don’t forget to check your spam folder too, in case you do not see the mail. If that message with the instructions and the token is missing, please reach us at and/or contact with me as soon as possible. We’ll take action to solve the issue.

The voting phase will be
from Friday, 2020-09-04, 00:00 CEST/UTC+2 (i.e. beginning of the day 04)
until Thursday, 2020-09-10, 24:00 CEST/UTC+2 (i.e. end of the day 10).

A list of candidates and their reasons for running is available at . Your participation in voting the new MC members is highly appreciated!

Best of luck to all candidates, and thank you for running for elections!
