Meeting Minutes 3 Nov. 2020, GSOD2020 Wiki Calc Functions,

Meeting Minutes 3 Nov. 2020

Presents: Olivier, Ronnie, Steve

Completed action items
    + Check connections of DB ranges and Datasources. (Olivier)
    + Added to DB section in wiki (Ronnie)
    + Database section final edit done based on Steve and Olivier’s
detailed comments (Ronnie)
    + Ended statistical functions editing (Ronnie)

   + Filled GSoD 2020 survey for Tech Writer (Ronnie)
   + Filled GSoD 2020 mentor survey (Steve)

   + Improving grammar and the content of statistical functions (Steve)
   + Start financial functions (Ronnie)
   + Re-edit remaining statistical functions based on Steve’s comments
   + Need for a second review (by sample) on the functions, checking
the suggestions are implemented (Steve)
      + I can do it (Olivier)
      + Consider to ask for help from the community (after the project
is over)

End of meeting