MC minutes from 2013-10-22


Here the meeting minutes from the MC meeting on October 22nd.

This message is to be archived by the BoD and its deputies.


Minutes 2013-10-22
The Document Foundation
Membership Committee Meeting
Call Minutes

Location: Phone Conference Room

Keeper of the minutes: Cor Nouws

In the call: Sophie Gautier (Membership Committee Member), Jean Hollis
Weber (Membership Committee Member), Cor Nouws (Membership Committee
Member), Eike Rathke (Membership Committee Member), Simon Phipps
(Membership Committee Member), Leif Lodahl (Membership Committee Deputy)

The Membership Committee at time of the call consists of 5 seat holders
plus 1 deputy. All of them are attending the call.

1. Election of a Membership Committee Chairman

Fridrich Štrba has resigned from his duties at the Membership Committee
on October 21st (yesterday). The letter of resignation has been posted
by him in public to,
and he also informed the Membership Committee as well as the Board of
Directors in private, and confirmed his resignation additionally via phone.

Fridrich was the Chairman of the Membership Committee, so per § 12 II of
the statutes of The Document Foundation, the Membership Committee has to
elect a new Chairman.

Cor Nouws proposes Eike Rathke as new Membership Committee Chairman. All
other call participants support this proposal. There are no other proposals.

The Membership Committee votes on Eike Rathke as new Chairman.

Result of vote: 4 approvals, 1 abstaining (Eike Rathke), 0 disapprovals.
Leif Lodahl supports this proposal as well.

Eike Rathke accepts his election as Chairman of the Membership Committee.

2. Announcement of the elections of the Board of Directors

The Membership Committee discusses the timeline for the elections of the
Board of Directors. The proposal is to announce the elections on October
23rd, and plan the timeline according to it.

Result of vote: 5 approvals, 0 abstaining, 0 disapprovals.
Leif Lodahl supports this proposal as well.

The election announcement will be sent on October 23rd.

Cour Nouws (Keeper of the minutes)
Eike Rathke (Chairman of the Membership Committee)

Hello Eike,

Here the meeting minutes from the MC meeting on October 22nd.

This message is to be archived by the BoD and its deputies.

thank you very much, and congratulations on your appointment to the new role!

I would hereby like to ask you whether you accept your new role as Chairman of the Membership Committee.


Hi Florian,

I would hereby like to ask you whether you accept your new role as
Chairman of the Membership Committee.

Yes, I accept.
