Minutes of the Membership Committee meeting on 2017-10-30
1. Call to order & Roll Call
The meeting took place on 2017-10-30.
Membership Committee Members present: Gustavo Buzzatti Pacheco, Gabriele
Ponzo, Stephan Bergmann, Miklos Vajna, Klaus-Jürgen Weghorn (deputy),
Cor Nouws
2 - BoD Elections
2.a mail with extra information to members.
We will add some extra text. It must be fully clear that
00:00 is the start of that day, and 24:00 the end.
2.b Looking at the specific tasks in organizing and overseeing
the elections for the MC, these are:
1. extra mails that may be needed
e.g. reminder for people who did not vote yet
- task for the chair
2. handle back-up list of emails+tokens, when voting starts
members may need to ask for resending of the token
- task for the chair
3. access to the server having the voting software
website + database, to be able to oversee the process
- at least one MC member should do this, preferably two
- Stephan and Miklos will do this
4. pulling raw data from the database after voting and
handling with the software for the results according
the Meek method
- at least two MC members should do this
- Miklos and chair and Stephan will do this.
3 - New chairman
3.a Cor has announced to step down as chairman, since he is candidate
for the BoD. So we need to vote on a new chair.
- Stephan and Miklos Suggesting Gabriele as the new Chair since
he is one of the longest standing members, and Gustavo already
handles most of the work for the mcm-DB.
- Gabriele is indeed willing to do this, with some support.
- All votes support Gabriele as new chairman.
- Thanks to Gabriele for being willing to do this.
4 - Notes meeting 2017-10-10
4.a Any more remarks? (Thanks Gustavo for yours.)
4.b If we are happy with it, can we put it on the wiki, or mail
to a public list, or..
- Plan is to publish the Rome minutes on the wiki. (Cor)
and mail the members-list about the publication (Gabriele)
- Do this by the end of this week. Remarks can be sent
ultimo Wednesday
5 - Mail to attendees from the conference.
- We have not seen any more suggestions on the draft mail we did
send to TDF-core
So let's ask Italo/* to actually send it. (Gabriele)
6 - Closing of the meeting
Miklos Vajna, Keepers of the minutes
Cor Nouws, chairman first part of the meeting
Gabriele Ponzo, chairman second part of the meeting