May-September 2013 profits & losses

[resent due to mailing list limitations - only the September reports
in this mail, the remainder to follow]

Dear members, TDF supporters,

please find attached our profits & losses reports from May to
September, and, separately, the budget summary as of 2013-09-30 for
the Berlin entity. The budget summary represents the *remaining* funds
from our 2013 budget, see here for the detailed spreadsheet:

and the budget items page for approved spendings:

(note that the discuss list strips attachments - please refer to the
board-discuss archives for those. If you are not subscribed there, a
nicely accessible archive is this one:

Apologies for the substantial lag in reporting TDF finance updates,
but you notice the large increase in donations - since that went
largely in via PayPal, our earlier scripted import + manual handling
of PayPal idiosyncrasis became intractable. It is now fully scripted.

Many thanks for your ongoing support, with kind regards,

tdf-2013-09-summary.html (22.1 KB)

tdf-2013-09-budgets.html (6.63 KB)

Hello Thorsten,

please find attached our profits & losses reports from May to
September, and, separately, the budget summary as of 2013-09-30 for
the Berlin entity. The budget summary represents the*remaining* funds
from our 2013 budget, see here for the detailed spreadsheet:

thank you so much for your work on this. Probably hard to see, but it's extremely painful and tedious, which is why we are currently working on outsourcing this to an accountant.

However, if you didn't invest the time with properly scripting PayPal and the like, I expect an account would cost several thousand (!) of EUR per month (!!), as they usually charge per transaction.

So, thanks so much for that, the community owes you a lot for this!
