1. LibreOffice Viewer promo video for Google Play (as mentioned on this
list): what we should include, how long it should be, other ideas
* Make a short video, a summary, that can be extended when new releases
are made (keep the source) -- add "Help us to make it even better!" at
the end with tdf.io/joinus
* Do an animation rather than show the app itself? eg LibreOffice logo
on a desktop PC, then shrinks and jumps into a phone -- "The power of
LibreOffice is now available in your pocket" -- talk to Franklin about
his contact who does 3D animations with Blender and provide a concept
(we should provide some kind of briefing)
* Make a longer video when editing becomes a standard feature?
* AI developers: LibreOffice Viewer only has ownCloud in the storage
settings, even though it supports Nextcloud too (and more?)
2. Stickers: we want to place another order soon, so what do our
marketing communities (especially NLPs) need? Any new ideas?
* AI Mike: Look at Moo in the UK (who do TDF business cards) -- check
their prices for a bulk order of stickers, so we can get bunches of
stickers printed on demand
* What do we want? Regular LibreOffice, DLP, hexagonal (LO 6) -- check
with Jona for the size of the hexagonal stickers (Fedora has them),
smaller stickers for phones, Proud Contributor
* AI Mike: Email different lists (localisation, documentation) asking
what kind of stickers they would like -- open a wiki page
* Try to attract more developers: stickers and posters, like "Hacking in
the front line!" or similar
3. Feedback on the announcement of LibreOffice 6.0
* LibreOffice 6.0 was well received; boost in donations
* More local languages for the announcements would be good --
translators need the PR draft a bit earlier; difficult to plan when
technical comments are still coming in days before the release
* Italo to look at gaps in the calendar (between major and minor
releases), to make other announcements
* LibreOffice 6.0 to be included in the upcoming of Pardus, a Linux
distribution popular in Turkey
4. Upcoming events
* Local conference in Surabaya, Indonesia,à on March 24/25 -- they are a
large community, so it would be good to get them more active in the
global community
* April 7/8: Hamburg hackfest and German community meetup
* AI Mike: do more word-spreading about the hackfest and meeetup
* In May: OSCAL free software conference in Tirana (Albania)
* In June: Open Expo in Madrid, speech and table for LibreOffice to be
* In August: Debian conference in Taiwan, with LibreOffice community
meetup (including community members from Korea and Japan), KDE Academy
in Vienna (Austria)
* Turkey: Free Software and Linux days in Istanbul in April (2 days);
end of July is Linux Summer Camp (10 days, includes Linux courses and